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Aussie job... - aka NTS Transcriptions...

Posted: Nov 10, 2014

I managed to fill in their (no-test) app before the ad vanished off the board and have been offered a trial position with them.  Wow.  Now I don't know whether to throw a shrimp on the barbie or be suspicious.  Anyone else hear back from them and if so, what are you doing?   The email I received back from appeared at least as professional as anything from US companies.    

I'm wondering what to do... - Myself (sm)

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I got apparently the same response as someone else who had posted below. I'm not sure what to do either.

My concerns are the British English spelling differences, the fluctuating exchange rate, and the tax reporting (1099 from another country?).

I'm not sure whether to accept or not.

Any thoughts?

British spelling and your other - concerns

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The differences between British and US spelling are not that significant ... centre, orthopaedic, etc. Try reading a British or Australian newspaper.

The tax reporting should be no problem. They are obviously used to it.

The exchange rate fluctuates, but not by much. Since 2010, it has been between .80+ and about 1.10+ ... yes, more than $1.00 USD.

I don't know what you all are so suspicious about. You hate offshoring to India, and this company cannot offshore to India because Australian laws restrict it. They can ony work in countries that have similar laws, like the US and GB.

You hate the rates you get from US companies, which seem to be in the range of 2 to 4 cents. This company is offering between 8 and 12 cents, factoring in the conversion rate, which is a darn sight better. It seems unlikely that undercutting by third-world nations will affect that, since they can't offshore there.

If they penalize for errors, maybe that is how they keep their pay high ... they don't have to pay someone else for rework. And aren't some US companies doing that? Are you so unsure of your quality that you think that will affect you?

I think you need to google the company and do your homework.

I think that this company, as well as Australian and GB MTs, have standards and expectations that far exceed what you see in the US.

I also think that most of you are misinterpreting the trial period to be more for you than for them. You seem to be thinking you are going to give THEM a trial and see if they do what YOU want. It is the reverse.

They are going to be expecting to see Australian and British professionalism and competency. Remember that those countries' educational standards far exceed ours.

This is not a mommy-job, they are not going to tolerate mommy-job attitudes, and they will expect more than matchbook skills.

exerpts from randem britttisch blawg - Brillyent, jes brillyent!

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Excerpts from a British 'thread':

However, if they are tresspassing onto your property (and they COULD be, as loud music can be considered tresspassing at times),

You know those machines they use to have in restraunts? Put it facing your windows to get rid of it.

since its only occassionally when they have visitors i just close my door and say nothing. if it was every day i would definately say something.

Is it seeping through the wall or summat??**

**Note "summat"-- Northern English substandard for...wait for it..."something!"

"Discusting. This is an indication that the seat of your complaint goes a bit deeper.

I think your story is grossly exagerated.

We fought for freedom, now lets keep it. Now I've got to have a ciggarrete, excuse me.. .

Note: This particular genius manages to spell all the words right (below)...imagine that!

There is no scientific evidence that proves cigarettes are harmful, so don't worry about it.

EDIT: Yes there are theories, but nothing has been proven, look it up.


Saw it in a movie.

1099 Aussie company - kabina

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I was told by an Aussie company I worked for a 1099 was not required. Since they are out of the country and not U.S. I guess it is not required. I worked a few weeks and got out. Not sure if it's the same company but they used Emdat. All I ever worked on was letters. They paid by Pay Pal but so far I haven't been able to get the pay Pal set up nor have I gotten payment. I don't know, I just didn't care for it. British spellings would be learnable but it was all the carbon copies, learning the accents, just so many things like that and time you looked all of it up you just weren't making anything. I had other jobs and just got out. Stick with American, in my opinion, although I know that is crappy right now too.

Have you asked or were you able to get an answer - regarding the QA penalties? It

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says penalties for falling under 95 or 15 points within 500 lines. While we wouldn't expect that to happen, the fact their is a penalty clause does make you wonder. The 1099 issue shouldn't be an issue from what I can tell on the IRS website. You would just report and pay taxes as usual.

It probably wouldn't hurt to try the trial but just enter cautiously and see how first couple of pay cycles go?

Would also clarify the payment receipt process. If - they are using wire transfer

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since they are out of the country, check what fees your bank may charge. They don't provide much info on the pay process (beyond rates and invoice) in their information.

They told me - Either check or DD (nm)

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Aussie Job - What does NTS stand for? - Rainwoman

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Here's the website with a link to apply

There is a Nuance Transcription Services (NTS) in Australia/New Zealand. Same company or not?

That's what I was thinking. - IMANMT2

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Nuance probably - Ex-Nuance MT

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This company sounds like Nuance to me, especially if they use Emdat, which is what Nuance MTs used on the ambulatory care side. I just left there a month ago because things are just getting worse and worse. They are probably advertising under cover as their reputation is certainly not a good one. Stay away from anyone who has connection and/or part of Nuance!
NOT Nuance in any way or form!!! - lovemyOzjob
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And if you can't meet 95% QA, you might want to consider a career change. I've never come close to falling below that & never even a threat of penalty. Pay is on time & yes, there are fees & exchange rate varies. Yes, it's Australia so you have to use their British spellings. It's not for everyone but if you are up to the challenge, it's a good place to work so please stop dragging their name in the mud by associating them with Nuance.
NOT Nuance - so then what does NTS stand for? - Rainwoman
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I was just asking a question above. The only other thing that I can find for NTS in Australia is National Training Service. I doubt it's that.

Their online info looks like a good company. Hope it works out for you.
Doesn't stand for anything nefarious, sm - lovemyOzjob
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I'm not even sure what it stands for & never really cared but I know for certain it's not Nuance. It's ntstranscriptions.com.au & not hard to find on Google. They're an established business with a good reputation where they're located.

I've been working with them for a few years & I'm very happy. I'm not here blowing smoke up your rears. Apply or don't, not my business what you do, but I do want it known this MTSO is one of the good guys.
fees - sophie
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What kind of fees?
Fees because you're paid in Australian dollars. sm - lovemyOzjob
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Your bank or PayPal (however you wish to be paid) will charge fees to convert to American dollars at the current exchange rate. PayPal is usually cheaper overall but takes longer to receive.

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Too Bad That Aussie Job Posting Was Removed.
Nov 07, 2014

Oh well, back to the grindstone, for peanuts. ...