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Company Board

Agree with you 100%. I did exactly that and was offered a - job with them. I accepted

Posted: Sep 12th, 2019 - 8:11 pm In Reply to: The easiest way to answer these questions is to email - the company and ask directly. nm

I had all my questions answered and was never asked for 1 penny. It is amazing to me how many people post their assumptions with no facts to support their posts.

No poster on this board "owes" anyone an explanation. When I have attempted to post factual circumstances to help other MTs, I was ripped to shreds. Not worth the aggravation and abuse.

I was given the money per hour I asked for. All of my equipment was shipped directly to me. I was never asked for one single penny. I have been VERY happy with my decision to work for them. I am treated with respect. Pay is on time.

Despite all this, you will still have posters that have no idea what they are talking about pushing that this is a scam.

As far as I am concerned, they can have at it. Every one of us had or has the opportunity to contact these companies directly to get the facts. Whether or not someone wants to educate themselves is a personal choice.


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