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So I sent a resume and took a short test on terminology - sm

Posted: Sep 6th, 2019 - 1:53 am In Reply to: Anyone interested should email her through the post and - ask what the hourly wage is SM

And received an invitation to a video interview tomorrow. It seemed suspicious that their website was minimal with no dates and no direct contact info (i.e., phone number, street address, etc.), so I looked up the owner at whois.com and the site was just registered at the end of August, just 2 weeks ago. The owner's name is private, but the address is in Canada (not San Francisco as stated), and the phone number given is 416-538-5457. A Google search of this number reveals that it has been connected with at least a half dozen scam websites over the last couple of years. After seeing this I am 99.99% sure this is a scam. I hope no one has given them any money yet. I suspect it is a deposit payment for equipment scam, as they said they provide equipment.


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