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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: At one time they were the best. I worked for them.. (Views: 35)

Another vote for craigslist. I found a job - W/C Reviewer

Posted: Feb 23rd, 2019 - 2:34 pm In Reply to: Where are MT positions posted? - Christy

a mile or so away which is still largely at home, but frankly I don't mind going into the office once a week and spending some time with the doctor and the team. It's also good to be local again and know the names of most of the doctors, hospitals and locations instead of having to look so many things up. Unfortunately, all of the MTSOs seem to be vulnerable to losing accounts and just can't pay that much to stay competitive, so I had to try something else. Like the poster above, I also checked the listings throughout the day, and sent a resume on anything that looked even remotely promising. It costs nothing, and it's worth a try.


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