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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: From JC.. (Views: 56)

Problem: The unholy union between a work document, verbatim transcription and - the rules of grammar.

Posted: May 27th, 2017 - 9:04 am In Reply to: When QA is wrong - and "incorrects" your work

Medical documents are not literature. They are what is known as "work documents." The fact is, this sentence is perfectly acceptable in a work document:

5 ml of Marcaine 0.25% was instilled in each port site.

It is also very likely VERBATIM what the dictator says.

...and yet we require people to twist themselves into a knot to satisfy a rule of grammar (sentences may not begin with a numeral):

Marcaine 0.25%, 5 ml, was instilled...

...or something similar.

The grammatical rule is irrelevant to the purpose and nature of the document, and actually makes the sentence less readable than if it were rendered in its spoken form.

What many of you don't realize is that the little old ladies who sat around in Fresno and invented BOS didn't have the faintest idea what they were doing.

Crohn's disease is, in the medical industry, proper. Crohn disease is not. Buck's fascia is proper. Buck fascia is not.

I wish they'd stuck to their doilies.


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