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Nuance Today's Top Viewed: MModal Employment Verification?.. (Views: 51)

Hospital accounts - mom22

Posted: Jan 24th, 2017 - 9:48 am In Reply to: Thanks - anon2

If you are already doing a hospital account, I wouldn't imagine a huge change for you. The question I would have is, depending on how many are staying and going to acute care, how are they going to accommodate all these people on that side as well? Maybe they have more accounts coming in. Who knows. But you at least already have some hospital experience. Imagine those with none, having to take a tutorial online, learn a new platform, and unless it's different "on the other side," you only get 1 week of full QA then the red pen gets broken out! I've done acute care. It's not my thing as I really don't do OP notes, but it's not that bad as long as you have other records to reference. It wouldn't be as difficulty if you didn't have FIESA breathing down your neck and not having any time to learn the accounts or having QA to rely on.

I hope your call goes okay. Keep us posted.


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