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I'm in hot water for not meeting production and... - Shredded

Posted: Oct 27th, 2015 - 6:49 am

after being told that it's me, as no one else has any problem meeting or exceeding the minimums, and me believing it is indeed ME...IT'S NOT ME!

I have been having a very difficult time meeting production in the past 6 months or so.  I've been putting my nose to the grindstone and still coming up short or just at the minimum mark...I used too be able to pull 1600 lines in 7 hours like it was nothing.  (I do straight typing.)

I have invested ridiculous amounts of $$ I don't have in a fancy chair, Kinesis keyboard, double monitors, expanded and memorized my vast collection of shortcuts, freaking invested in a standing desk, even changed shifts, and yet every pay period I fail...getting more fatigued, depressed, and downtrodden than ever before.

And I finally have proved to, at least myself, that it is NOT me.  This morining, just like yesterday and the week before, I did 4 hours straight, nonstop, door to office locked, no breaks, and I did 120+ minutes of transcription in 4 hours and all those minutes yielded me just shy of 700 lines.  That is absolutely ridiculous.  These are long H&P/consult reports by horrible dictators who backtrack, say to delete entire paragraphs after they stumbled through them and wasted my time, or they were nearly completely unintelligable from the get go.  I have years of experience under my belt and speed up the audio whenever I can and yet no amount of speed and experience can catch up when the freaking dictators tell me to delete at least 1/4 of what they say.

Nothing will come of this, I just needed to get it out here that this is the only field where not only do we not get paid what we are worth, but we don't get paid for the actual work we do because it doesn't even exist at the end of the line count!  What other job has THAT perk?  So, I'm finally satisfied that it is indeed NOT me, like my employer had me honestly believing and have been beating myself up over.  


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