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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: At one time they were the best. I worked for them.. (Views: 49)

First of all, if we are not allowed to mix speech and (sm) - me

Posted: Aug 9th, 2015 - 10:14 am In Reply to: How do you return a job? - Billie

text, what are we supposed to do? Take forever typing it and it won't help us get to 26,000 or 13,000 or whatever? I'm not doing it. Second, haven't you ever had to get out of a job because the phone rings, or someone comes to the door, or something? You just exit out of it. Usually someone else will pick it up - that is how it is supposed to work - if it's left for you in your queue it's probably because it's a crap job and no one else will do it.


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