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ulna fovea - mh

Posted: Aug 29, 2013

s/l doc is saying ulna fovea? I always thought it was ulnar fovea?

mh... - sm

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try saying both out loud:

Ulnar fovea
Ulna fovea

The pronunciation is very close, especially when spoken naturally in the course of a sentence. Seriously.

ulna fovea - mh

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He enunciates it and clearly says ULNA, sorry that I am apparently so STUPID ! Why bother responding if you are going to make me feel like an IDIOT!

pardon me - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I was not suggesting you are stupid, and I did not MAKE you feel like anything. How you feel is your choice. I was trying to help you with your dictator.

If you want, give us the full sentence and we'll try again.

Wow - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
That was pretty uncalled for -- what are you, 2?

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