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s/l no guarding referred - gagirl

Posted: Feb 24, 2010

doc states: no guarding s/l referred, rebound, tenderness.

I have heard rigidity...but not referred.

Could be referred - je suis MT

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In this context, sounds correct. The pain is (or is not) referred (meaning felt or sensed) in an area other than that being palpated.

Rebouind tenderness IS referred tenderness on examination....nm - Cyndiee

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not sure that that's correct - je suis MT

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I believe referred pain or tenderness is sensed at a site that is not necessarily the "problem" locus, while rebound pain is pain that is sensed on release of pressure from palpation.

No true and not my point.....sm - Cyndiee

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"referred" means to "travel elsewhere," whether it be back pain, abdominal pain, whatever, so in being "referred," it has origin elsewhwere. But the point I was trying to make is that though not that common (I worked solid Gastro at UMASS medical center in the transplant unit), the use of the word "referral" can be used in an abdominal exam, no tenderness, rebound, guarding, referral, etc. Do you see what I am explaining, working with sinus infection here, oy!
Also, "rebound" also means when hand is removed quickly, like...sm - Cyndiee
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when a doc palpates fairly deeply for a second or two, and then withdraws that hand quickly....sometimes the palpation or pressing itself is not painful, it is the abdomen or belly bouncing back that causes the pain, doc can tell a lot from this.
I think I see... - je suis MT
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It sounds like we're maybe saying the same thing.

Hope the sinus infection goes away quickly - they're yucky!

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