The patient was supposed to get "a left carpal tunnel decompression, a left cubital tunnel decompression, and a decompression of the *canalicion* It sounds like canal-icky-on. The procedure changed, so I don't have anything else to go off to figure this out. ...
I can't figure out what the (___) would be. It s/l it could be (loss and) but I was thinking it was going to be a specific type of compression. It also could s/l (___ anti-) compression? It almost s/l moss anti-compression!!
"The nerve itself was atrophic and contracted and constricted consistent with (___) compression."
Thanks. ...
Hi everyone. The doctor s/l he is saying: "We have also talked about the off labral use of the MP in the posterolateral recess and posterior interbody spacers." I think that's what he is saying, not sure of the bold words. DX is lumbar instability, stenosis & radiculopathy L3-4 and 4-5. There is also a synovial cyst off L3-4. Not able to locate these exact words on any websites/searches. Thanks for any help. ...
At this point, attention was paid to removal of hardware. The s/l K2 tulip removers were used initially in order to unlock the heads. Following this, rods were removed. ...
This is what i dictated, I bolded things I am questioning/don't know: She was advised that she would benefit from L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 central and bilateral recess decompression L2 to second posterolateral fusion with K 2 mesa and ten ah lee instrumentation system local autograph. Vitoss and infused bone grafting surgery.
I am not sure about K2 mesa and ten ...
It definitely does not sound like grafting and I don't really believe that would be correct anyway. I thought maybe RAST but I am having no luck with any of my searches. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...