Hereditary or Acquired Disease? Early Nineteenth Century Debates ...
by E LOMAX - Cited by 10 - Related articles - All 2 versions
the Dauphin. Under the directorate, the first empire, and the restoration, ..... existed to explain how an affection of the skin or lymph glands might be ... under the skin of the neck of a child, He'breard used dogs, and Lepelletier ... - Similar
The second is an article you have to pay to read. I hope this helps clear a little bit of your dilemma.
With all the rarity and questions about this word - and the fact that he spelled it
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I would type it just as he spelled it, and capitalize it.
You could make a note that he did spell it and you did try and verify it, unsuccessfully... even if that note is on your own copy in case they come back to you on it.
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I see that the words "lymph" and "dauphin" both occur in that article, but I continue to be unable to find a reference to "dauphin lymph gland".
delphian - was this mentioned? I'm not sure I read every post. - Olive
mediastinoscopy with dissection of level 4 right and left nodes. Doc says what s/l 'antithotic' and enlarged lymph nodes. These lymph nodes were hard and suspicious for metastatic disease. I cannot figure this out PLEASE HELP ...
This patient has prostate cancer, but somehow or other the paraaortic lymph nodes or periaortic lymph nodes are involved. I have googled and found both spellings, but for the life of me I can't figure out which is correct. "This showed a 1.6-cm retroperitoneal lymph node in the low pelvis anterior to the inferior vena cava suspicious for metastatic disease." There are so many lymph nodes in the body. Even looking at an anatomy diagram, I can't figure this out. Help!! ...
TOGA nodes or maybe toganodes??
Pertaining to the nose and acute sinuitis. It sounds like he says, "Nose: Toganodes (or TOGA nodes) are red and swollen." But I can't figure out if that is right or not.
Any suggestions?? ...
Patient has toothache. On physical exam, HEENT - maxillary region has swelling and tenderness, no erythema noted, sl "no mental nodes." Please help. ...
What is the doctor saying? It sounds like "Roger's (??) nodes were excised sharply and submitted as a separate specimen." I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing makes sense. Thanks! ...
After some dissection, the single blue lymphatic was noted to entering a blue lymph node. This lymph node was then clipped and ligated and removed from the CL s/l pectoris. ...
The doctor is discussing a patient who has a swelling in the right cheek and he dictates this: "Excision of this likely parafinch facial lymph node would put the facial nerve at some risk..."
The word I'm not quite catching/understanding is the "parafinch" word. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance. ...