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Stumped on an eye medication - frustrated

Posted: Oct 11, 2012

Anyone know of an allergy eye drug that sounds like "La Pree" or "Nay Pree" or something eeee??

I am completely stumped and really need help. 


Thank you so much ladies.



Does the doctor have an accent? - MModal Livestock

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Sometimes it's easier to identify what it's supposed to be by the doctor's nationality/accent by figuring out what letters he might be mispronouncing. I have an Indian doctor who pronounces clopidogrel "cloppa-doggle." I'll look around a little more, see if I can find anything.

Help with eye medication - frustrated

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He does not have an accent. He speaks very nicely and is usually a great dictator.

Thank you so much for your help!

Sorry, couldn't find anything - MModal Livestock

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I think maybe the below mentioned Bepreve is the best chance. Also, a lot of common meds have a "D" at the end (e.g. Claritin-D), so maybe he's just butchering something normal.

Sorry I wasn't much help.

Possibly Bepreve ?? nm - MT

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Maybe Lopres? - sunflower

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Maybe he is giving Lopres a french twist ? not saying the "s".? just a thought.

Medique? - nm

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surrounding words - please

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