Discharge summary, patient is post CABG. "Chest tubes were discontinued from the mediastinal area on post op day #1. He was weaned from mechanical ventilator and extubated. He was weaned off of dobutamine and nipride. He was transferred to 3B cardiovascular surgical floor. He was diuresed with Lasix. His **drip vac? strip vac?** was discontinued." ...
During a PLIF, after the spacers and screws, "At this point a ?chrono? strip was cut longitudinally in half. This ?chrono? strip was prepared with autograft and bone marrow aspirate from our pedicles." I was even thinking Kronner, but no luck. Any ideas? ...
Dictation sounds like several evers recalling strip and is part of the past medical history. Possibly something strep? Definitely sounds like strip though. Any suggestions greatly appreciated! Thanks! ...
I am not quite awake this morning and this doctor slurs all his words together. He says under past surgical hx. "pacemaker A.I.D." and I'm not sure if that is all one procedure or if the A.I.D. is another surgery. I'm not able to find a surgery labeled as that, so I'm getting more and more confused by the minute.
thanks in advance!
A permanent rate responsive dual chamber pacemaker was implanted. This was a pace set a synchrony.
What does this mean? or should it maybe be in synchrony? ...
Does this sentence below make sense? Particularly the part in all caps. It doesn't sound right. He started talking really slow and pausing, and I hear all the words, but it just didn't sound right to me. Any info or how I could change it if it doesn't make sense would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
"Interrogation of the patients defibrillator shows that the PACEMAKER PORTION IS IN THE BACKUP MODE SET DUAL CHAMBER WITH A BASE RATE OF 40, a paced A-V delay of 300 millisecon ...
An S8 lead was introduced in the lateral fluoroscopic view, and AP view was used to drive it to the mid T6 level. The lead was in the midline and then an s/l Octrad lead was placed just left to that one described above. ...
The doctor struggles to pronounce this correctly but it sounds like "intra or infra ventricular fossa pacemaker defibrillator implanted. - anyone familiar with cardiology that can help me out? ...
Anyone ever heard of a Medtronic ddd pacer, gemnose TC04 or something comparable? I am having difficulty understanding dictation in transcription exercise.
Thank you,
Report being dictated by nurse with heavy Southern accent. "Prior to permanent pacemaker insertion patient was given a s/l hepaquin shower." I found EpiQuin but can't find it used specifically with a heart catheterization. Is EpiQuin right? ...
We will have the patient seen by anesthesia preop to make sure the pacemaker is properly cared for during the surgical procedure, which requires general anesthesia, and the use of the s/l **bovig** during the surgery. Thanks!! ...