I'm working on the musculoskeletal portion of the physical exam. The very first thing dictated, after the MSK heading is "s/l fetalblocker. FROM of the bilateral shoulders, elbows, wrists. (s/l minimal or medial ulnaral) deviation. Enlargement of the 2nd and 3rd MCPs of the bilateral hands." I know ulnaral isn't a word, but that's what it sounds like she is saying. She is breathing heavily into the mic with both s/l, so the sounds are altered. A ...
Under the musculoskeletal portion of the physical exam, it is dictated, "Crepitus of the bilateral knees. No ankle tenderness or swelling. No MTP tenderness. Last (s/l Sjogren's) was 14.5 cm." I'm unsure what she would be measuring here.
Also, I'm still wondering if anyone has any idea about this one, "MRI – mild. SI/degenerative arthritis. Imaging of the hands – small effusion of the carpals and (s/l peroneal) tendinopathy." & ...
In the musculoskeletal part of this physical exam, the dr. is dictating that the patient has "long-term deformities with a swan neck of the 2nd finger of the left hand a (s/l jacuze) appearance of the 3rd finger..." I have no idea what this means or how to spell it to even begin to look it up. Has anyone ever heard of anything like it? ...
I'm having trouble figuring out what is being said in the musculoskeletal portion of this physical exam. "Full range of motion of the ankles. No (s/l ankle ITP) tenderness." It kind of sounds like there is an "M" sound in there between ankle and ITP, but it could just be that she is running the words together. ...