Doc dictates: "The patient has mild globus pharyngeus features that are tolerable. She denies having been sexually abused in a manner which might trigger the s/l focal lissa-rinj-us.
(This doctor is notorioius for butchering the pronunciiation of soooo many words. He *might* be saying "fulgal lissa-rinj-us."
Thank you!! ...
I cannot find anything on "pan lungs". Both times he says it, I do hear pan.
VR picked up "hand bases" "Pam lungs"
Decreased breath sounds in the left lower lung with some coarse breath sounds in the pan bases. Pan lungs otherwise. ...
s/l "impur durations" or "impurdurations" in the lungs. Its from a radiology report.
also s/l "alveolar apasses" noted throughout the lungs with pleural effusions and cardiac enlargement findings are suggestive of pulmonary edema ...
This is pathology report after a hysterectomy. "There was reactive squamous atypia and focal "choleascitic" atypia of the cervix, but no high-grade lesions. TIA ...