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Homans', Homan's? - Kitty

Posted: Dec 04, 2009

I need help with the proper format for Homans sign.

In this sentence, how would I write Homans:

  There was a bilaterally negative Homan's.


  There was a bilaterally negative Homans'.



Homans or Homans sign - No apostrophe

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sorry, but that's not right....sm - we

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It's either

Homan sign


Homan's sign

but never


The newest version is Homan sign, this is now preferred, but it depends on the account specifics.

John Homans - bips

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Homans sign. It is named after John Homans. Where in the world would account specifics matter if it is a name?
Account specs - Charlotte
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Account specs matter if you agree to comply with them.

You are correct--John HOMANS noticed this phenomenon, and it would properly be "Homans' sign" or "Homans'." IIRC, though, Stedman's shows it as "Homan," and the account I have specifies "Homan sign" or "Homan's."

You can argue this with the account/company if you have scads of other accounts/companies fighting to hire you. Otherwise, what does it matter (other than being correct, that is)?

(One doctor on an account I have has no clue about punctuation or sentence structure, and the specs state we are to leave his dictations as is. IMO, if he wants his reports to read as though he is an ignoramus, that's fine by me....)

You are incorrect, it is Homans sign. It is named after - Dr. John Homans. NM

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GMTA - bips
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Guess we posted about the same time. : )
Yes, looks that way. - NM
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Been typing it Homans for the last 30 years - nm

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John Homans (1877 ΓΆ€“ 1954) was an American surgeon who described Homans' sign and Homans' operation.

For the last 10 years been typing it without the apostrophe due to MT guidelines.

thanks, learned today that Dr' s name is "Homans", not "Homan"..nm - we

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Homans - according to

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According to the neurosurgery word book it is Homans. No apostrophe. Don't think I have ever used an apostrophe in 35 years, like the other poster.

Both - Horski

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Dorland's Book has Homans'. Dorland's on line has Homans. The one thing it is not, is Homan's.

Homans versus Homan..........see message - !

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There are several Doctors with the name Homan. Referring to one of those doctors, it would be Dr. Homan's office, Dr. Homan's car etc...

Only the doctor's name who is referred to on this issue, namely the DVT, is

Dr. John HomanS, and this doctor is meant when speaking about the SIGN.

So it would be Homans' since - the sign belongs to Dr. Homans

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his name ends with S, some possessive rule applies to make it Homans'

standard accepted practices are not always technically correct, however.

I personally think the little apostrophe after Homans' is weighty and unnecessary, and would use Homans myself.
It is not Dr. Homans' sign, it is a sign named for him. - SM
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Therefore it is Homans sign. Anyway, preferred is no apostrophes for anything, Alzheimer disease, etc.
I agree with no apostrophe's for anything - K.I.S.S.
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readers of the reports know what is meant, and those little 's are just extra need-nots.
paradox: apostrophes, not apostrophe's...nm - plain plural, not possessive...
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Thank you, Officer Graham-er - it was a joke, not a paradox
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weird sense of humor, called sarcasm...nm - duh
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they named it after him, as HE discovered it: Homans sign...nm - we
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I just quoted what Dorland's Medical Dictionary said. - Horski
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I did not imply it had to have an apostrophe.

I know. - Horski

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That is why I said to never use Homan's.

See note - Charlotte

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If "sign" is included in doc's note, then it would be "Homan sign" per the BOS--UNLESS the account specifies otherwise.

If he dictates only "negative (without 'sign'), then it is "Homan's."

There is a lot of this sort of info to be found in the BOS, Stedman's books, and the like.

(I would suggest caution if using the latest edition of Stedman's Ortho/Rehab book: I found quite a few errors, and their "peer review" was not by orthopedists or PTs, but by MTs who may or may not have known how a term is written. Not all MTs have decades of experience under their belts....)

It would be negative Homans (see message) - no apostrophe at all

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The patient has a negative Homans.
The patient has a negative Homans sign.

Now if "we went to Dr. Homans' house," that would be different.

this is correct. It should be Homans' sign, - Dr. John Homans

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grammatically correct (possessive), but AHDI decided, as stated in the BOS 2, to drop the possessive hyphens, in many cases, as they want to restrict the use of hyphens. You can read in the BOS about this.

Therefore it is, as 'no apostrophe at all' said in her post:

"The patient has a negative Homans.
The patient has a negative Homans sign.

Now if "we went to Dr. Homans' house, that would be different,"

since the doctor's name who discovered this SIGN (symptom) is HomanS, not Homan.

Incorrect - Understand BOS to quote BOS - Lila

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You're incorrect in this case. BOS references dropping the 's in a disease process, etc. For example, Alzheimer disease rather than Alzheimer's disease. Basically dropping the possessive.

In the case of Homans sign, it is named after a physician Homans, not Homan so the 's would not apply. It is Homans sign plain and simple. There is no such thing as a Homan sign - there is no Dr. Homan.

oh, yes, there are a lot of Dr. Homan out there, but...sm - HomanS : Homan

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the doctor who discovered the DVT SIGN, or symptom, is named

Dr. John HomanS



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