It sounds like the dictator is saying "Hidalgo catheter was passed for right heart catheterization" is this a name of catheter out there?
Thanks in advance for any help given. ...
A "two-five-twelve" Voyager balloon was then advanced into the occluded area and inflated to 10 atmospheres for 20 seconds.
How do I write the numbers dictated? 2.5 x 12? ...
This is a cardiac catheterization: There are beautiful collaterals right up to the s/l "hilt." I did inject the right coronary artery orifice and could not fine the right sinus s/l "orifice." ...
Referral for cardiac catheterization with findings of multivessel coronary artery disease with proximal LAD 70% stenosis, mid LAD 80-90% stenosis, major marginal branch with 80-90% proximal stenosis, nondominant circumflex with mild s/l "avosclerosis" in the circumflex proper, first marginal with 80% "ostial/proximal" stenosis, right coronary artery mid 50-60% stenosis, "distal long" 70% stenosis. ...
In a C-section -- dictates: the midline revealed the peritoneum which was entered, extended superiorly and inferiorly and a s/l leksus O retractor was placed.
Thanks ...
Pre adn post op diagnoses are: A 38 week pregnancy. A previous cesarean section. Early labor. There is also mention of cervical stenosis.
Dr. ESL and I am new so struggling with this paragraph.
She has a significant history of having had a previous primary low transverse cesarean section in October, 2005 for ______ ( s/l arrested descent) with labor and _______ (s/l arrested debilitation) despite an extensive _____ ( s/l trial) of labor. The ...
Doc says "repeat c-section s/l curr." Are there different techniques for C sections? I know there are different techniques for practically everything, but i rarely type OB reports so I'm not sure. Any OB expert who can help me out? ...
Everytime I try to respond to someone and put a ('s) like if I put "plumber's wife" or something like that in the Nickname section on post a message, and go to send it I get an error and it will not send. Now if I remove the ('s) then it sends. Happen to anyone else? ...
I so badly needed to slow the dictation down but was not able to. I listened to two places a million times and just could not make out what the heck he was saying. Had to leave 2 blanks. That is going to look absolutely horrible. Rrrrrg, so disappointed. ...
Could there also be a section on this website for "New Opportunties for MT skills" or the like? Or "What comes next" where people could share what they are working on for the future?
I've heard of palpable cords plenty of times when examining the extremities, but this time under HEENT, doc says "His mucous membranes are moist. His temples had no *s/l palpable cords* and nontender to palpation. Pupils equal, round, and reactive..."
Is this correct? ...
big high-5 to those who covered the holidays - now its back to the normal for ST with NO WORK even though they tell you there is plenty of work - and how about those bonuses THAT YOU COULDN'T GET because of NO WORK! can we hear from the cheering section of ST? ...