Seems I read or was told to drop the period and just type C diff, E coli, H pylori, etc., but I cannot find a source that says so. I thought maybe BOS 3rd addition change, but now I cannot find it there. I googled and ncbi and mediLexicon show C diff without a period, but everything else is with. ...
I'm finding pneumocystis carinii, but it's not that. He says it perfectly clear (coli), but I just cannot find that anywhere. Does anyone know if there is such a thing. It doesn't make sense to me, but I've heard weirder and thought I'd check it out here. ...
The pt has a problem with diarrhea and weight loss. Doc is saying something before IgG, and it sounds like the audio may be skipping or something, but I think I hear her saying E. coli in a distorted way...but sounds like "eatquilla IgG"..would E. coli IgG make sense???