In reference to a catheterization report, the provider stated what sounded like Roto Ablation, the MTE typed roto ablation, in researching I have found both, but I have edited it as rotablation. Is roto ablation correct term to use? ...
Do you prefer reference books or online searches? Dorlands/Stedman's/websites? I currently use (have forever) Stedman's word books but was curous about other's thoughts on this. TIA. ...
I can't seem to find the correct spelling of this medication. Sounds like cephoxolyn or spelled phonetically suffoxalin. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. ...
The patient was put to sleep using "easy mask."
Can anyone tell me if this is a brand name, and if so how is it spelled? I can't find it in my references nor by googling. Thanks! ...
I never thought I'd say this, but a dictator can do too much spelling. There is one at my company who spells out every single medication. While this is normally helpful, this doctor's pronounciation leaves a little to be desired. It would be much simpler for him to just say the name of the medication. ...
I have just recently noticed a LOT of spelling going on. Just now doc spelled Imuran and Toprol. Yesterday it was simple things like "lingual." It is on different accounts and by different doctors. ...
Anyone ever had this happen?
You spell something and you know it's right, plain and simple - however, the doctor corrects you on it, but its still wrong!! Do you spell it "wrong" -just for him only- to make him happy so he doesnt think you're not doing your job right or do you keep on spelling it "right", which he says is "wrong"?
I have checked about 6 online dictionaries and googled it and can not find spelling for s/l tympanonomoscopy. Any ENT people out there who can confirm the spelling of this? He is saying tym-pan-o-ma-scopy. This is a toddler with possible otitis media (as most of you probably guessed). ...
In my Stedman's Plastic Surgery Words book, it is spelled tricholemmal, but the physician and other references spell it trichilemmal. Does anyone know the correct spelling? Thanks! ...
I'm not sure what got into Dr. Knucklehead's brain tonight, but he's spelling words like pannus, Trileptal, anasarca (which he spelled wrong). It's bad enough he's doing it as often as he is because he's completely messing up the voice recognition for his drafts, but he has spelled pannus every freaking time he has said it. The patient has cellulitis below her pannus, so the word is coming up a lot in this report.
I have one more hour to go and then a ...
Why does a long time doctor, good dictator, suddenly start spelling everything out? Doesn't MModal screen to prevent bad transcriptionionists from being hired? ...
I had a FB friend suggestion and I decided to go and check it out:
Employer: _ _ _ _-_ _ _ (2009)
Qaulity Assurance Editor
At least now I know I won't apply for the opening this company has posted...if the QA people can't spell, what does that say about the company?
Lesson in this is: ALWAYS check your grammar and spelling no matter where you are posting. You never know who is looking and for what purpose. ...
Not sure of the spelling for either. Also, not sure if these are 2 separate medications or if they should be separated by a comma. Any help is appreciated. Also, if you are familiar, please indicate whether they are brand or generic meds.
amiodipine danazopril oral ...
These drive me nuts when I see them!
"I could care less" ... WRONG! It is "I could not/couldn't care less" -- In other words, there is no more "caring" left! LOL
Rediculous ... WRONG! It is "ridiculous."
Pleural when "plural" is needed!
You're vs your. You're stands for "you are"! Your is a possessive!
Ok. Your turn!