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Cardiology- "mamarch stenosis" - mtapril
Posted: Dec 07, 2009
I need help. I am transcribing for a cardiology group and it sounds like he is saying "mamarch stenosis". Does anybody know what might be the word before stenosis?
Monarch stenosis? Does he have valve problems?....sm - Cyndiee
[ In Reply To ..]
Monarch is a type of valve replacement; does that fit the patient's diagnosis/current medical condition?
can you give the sentence? Surrounding words can help : ) - elaine
Oh wow... the board looks different.
Anyways, I have a term that I have never heard of regarding a woman giving birth and it is talking about the baby's heart.
"Fetal heart sounds were in the 130s with ____."
She says it again, "Baby's heart rate had _____ and was reassuring throughout her stay."
Sounds like "aksels."
Any ideas? Thanks! ...
s/l like doctor says: Past surgical history of "de??--something or decrease?? stenosis in an infant?
It is not pyeloric or aortic. Is there some kind of degree? TIA. ...
The doc says, "She has neuraminal stenosis issues with the S1 nerve root." Is there such thing as "neuraminal" stenosis. It is not foraminal stenosis. It is pretty clear that she is saying "neuraminl", but i have never heard of that. ...
I am doing a Discharge Summary and under Past Medical History it sounds like the dictator is saying "sensospinal stenosis surgery 3 years ago"? Any suggestions? ...
CT angiogram with reported right carotid 40% to 50% stenosis s/l at orange and 35% to 45% left carotid s/l orange stenosis. Never heard this one before. Is he talking about the orange arrows on the actual angiogram pointing to the stenosis??? What is the orange??Help.... ...
I have had spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis for years and even surgery with L5-S1 fusion. Did really good for years but now I am experiencing right leg weakness and all lower muscles ache and burn so bad that I can hardly walk at the end of the day. I have even gone PT too. I know I have severe right foraminal stenosis once again by CAT scan. I took early SS retirement 2 years ago but still work about 30 hours a week. I find that I am having extreme difficulyy ...
This is the sentence that was dictated: "The patient does not tolerate antibiotics well because of a congenital anal stenosis..." I can't find any relation between the two, does anyone know for sure? ...
Few words I can not figure out! Sounds like in parenthesis!
The precordial chest pain returned again, patient retained good relief with nitroglycerin sublingual. The patient has also been on(( colan )) and Micro-K
Patient has had an appendectomy and tonsilectomy and an umbilical hernia (( ooraphy ))
head symetrical pupils equal react to light and accomodation no ((spurroectras))
((distant)) Heart tones, no murmurs.....
Thanks in advance! =) ...
Hi. I have visited this site often and enjoy all the comments. I'm hearing something that sounds like brankybach. It almost sounds familiar, but can't find it anywhere. The sentence is: EKGs demonstrated nonspecific ST-T changes in anterolateral leads. There was _______________ noted on the rhythm monitor last night. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...
Has anyone ever heard of a drug that sounds like Agrostat, Acristat... something like that. It is a cardiology note. The note says he recieved ____ overngiht.
Thanks in advance! ...
The dictator is naming medications. One of them sounds like Colife, but when I research it I find nothing. Does anyone know what this medication could be? ...
I know of two companies that do only cardiology transcription:
If someone knows of other such companies or those with lots and lots of cardiology accounts, please share. I love doing this specialty. ...
I am working on a transcription course and am transcribing a cardiology report and I can't understand what the person is saying. It sounds like "pacing numbers, treasural numbers, and sensitivity numbers" but I can't find anything to reference to help me out. Can anyone help with this? Thanks! ...
The doctor is a heart transplant doctor and is dictating a referral letter for a fellow. He says: He will often come in even when he is not on inpatient rotation to assess some of our sicker patients; for instance, some who have s/l "empower" devices and/or "tandem" hearts. TIA ...
I'm having trouble with a few cardiology abbreviations that this dr. is throwing out. "Card (which I'm assuming she's abbreviating for cardiology) - AVR, conduction disorder - s/l RABBB or maybe just RBBB - followed by cardiology." ...