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VR Efficiency - Donna

Posted: Apr 13, 2015

Does anyone here have any suggestions on how to increase speed/efficiency on VR?  I have been on a VR account for several months and find the short cuts, hot keys, etc. more trouble than just using my mouse.  In fact, I have tried both, and still find using the mouse quicker and easier.  Some short cuts require you to press 3 different keys, not to mention learning and remembering which ones they are and what they do. Hit one wrong key and there is disaster.  Last week I did that and my screen rotated to the right, then after trying to see what I had mistakenly used, it rotated to the left, and finally turned upside down! I powered off my computer hoping when it rebooted it would be right again, but no it wasn't!  I finally just kept hitting the same keys back and forth until things went back to normal.  I still don't know what I did to cause it or to fix it.  There is just no way anyone can do double the line count on VR, so the pay of 4 cpl or so, really amounts to getting your pay rate cut in half.  On good days I may reach 250 lph, on bad days 150 or less, depending on the drafts, which are usually not consistent at all.  How does anyone make a living on VR?  Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.  Thanks!  Smile

VR - Me too

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It is hopeless. I absolutely LOATE voice recognition as I like being responsible for the finished product and really just transcribing it the old-fashioned way. I now work PT. I simply will not do any voice recognition jobs so I am happy where I am. Looking down the road, you will be suffering from carpal tunnel, bad eyesight and pure frustration. I have no words to cheer you up on this subject.

VR efficiency - OKMT

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All I can offer is sympathy and also to say how much better *I* feel to know that someone else manages to change the orientation of their monitor by some weird sequence of keystrokes. I have no idea what they are either. It happens once a week at least. As for VR, I gave up and took a position with one of the companies that still does ST. Much happier.

Screen orientation - Magic

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Ctrl + alt + arrow keys will turn the screen in the direction of the arrow. Ex: Ctrl+alt+right arrow turns the screen to face right. Ctrl+alt+ down arrow turns it upside down, etc.

One day my cat sat on my keyboard and somehow managed to sit on the right combination of keys and turned the screen sideways. Took me forever to figure how how to fix it.

I don't know if I can give a good answer to SR speed, it's so dependent on person and platform and quality of SR. I use the highlighter that attaches the voice to the cursor to minimize the need for moving around the screen so much, but I think that drives most people crazy.

Thanks To All Who Answered - Donna

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Guess I am not alone in the frustration with working with VR. I will keep looking for a place who does just straight transcription, but so far nothing on the Job Seeker's or MT Jobs appeals to me. Seems that the MT profession is close to hitting rock bottom, which I knew it would after being in this profession for over 35 years. I see ads now welcoming new graduates and newbies, which was never acceptable in the past. The MTs in their 50s and early 60s, who made this profession what it was, will soon be seeking other jobs or retirement. When that day comes, someone had better come up with a computer who can do much better VR than what they have these days, because that is pretty much all there is going to be. What will the picky clients and inconsiderate doctors do then?

How I deal with VR - Tabytha

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Donna, I don't know if I can explain this in words but here goes...
What has been working pretty efficiently for me is this:
Sometimes I truly think that typing out these things is the fastest way to go. That being said, I kind of combine straight typing with using the bigger words or numeric-intense paragraphs provided in the VR document.
I start out typing the report, ignoring the VR, and as I type what I hear, I look ahead with my eyes for big words, standard phrases, and numerically-intense paragraphs (such as eye exams and lab reports. When my eyes register those things, my mind slows typing down and deletes (using shift-click selection) the VR portion of what I just typed, up to the pre-typed part that I want to keep. I read over that as they are speaking, making corrections, and then then proceeding with typing out the quicker stuff. It seems to work for me by establishing a sort of cadence to my work.
If that makes sense, awesome!
If it doesn't, feel free to ask...

VR - exNuance employee

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They are screwing you. To the last poster, it is marked as an "edited" report which automatically cuts your lines in half, because they say you can edit twice as many lines in the same amount of time as you can straight type. When they came out with the new compensation program, I asked how they had determined that, as it has not been my experience that I edit twice as fast as I can type. Especially when they want you to check every dot and space. She said it was "industry standard and had been well researched" Well, I think its a load of crap, and it is an excuse to underpay us. Who did the study, and where can I find the results of such? I don't believe it and I would like to know if anyone is able to do that. I now have a job where I am straight typing with my shortcuts, and I am averaging higher line counts than I was at Nuance (same rate, but my line counts are higher - another way, perhaps Nuance is screwing people?)

I agree... - Tabytha

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Yes, I agree, edited VR reports are a screw job. I don't work for Nuance, I work for someone else; however, VR is everywhere. Yes, it should pay more.
Why does the job of QA pay more per line than typing and VR does not? It's even easier to do QA.
I, myself, am tired of VR. It is not advanced enough and I spend More time working with those jacked up reports than straight typing - I know what My mistakes are so they are easy to pick out.
I agree with the other person who says that it should cost More to fix something that's broken than to create the original document.
What in the world do we do? Lol, go on strike?
I also agree - MickyMT
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I am also an ex-Nuance employee and VR is nothing but a rip off of all time in this profession. I am on VR now with another company which did not start out that way, but the client wanted VR so of course they complied. Now a great account went from straight typing to VR and my line count has dropped along with my line rate. There is no way possible to double the line count with VR. First, you would have to speed up the dictation to a point that you would not be able to understand what was being said, and second, it would have to be a perfect draft without 1 error in it by VR. That is never going to happen. So, Donna, all you can do is try to come up with some personal techniques and short cuts that suit you and hope for the best. Emdat VR is not bad, but to make a bad situation worse, not only do we get cut in pay for regular lines but have to accept 1 or 2cpl for QT (yellow) lines. Nothing like adding insult to injury! Wow!
VR is a ripoff - Cindyinsocal
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30+ years of experience in transcription, keeping up with new terminology, computer software, hardware, etc, which is recognized by doing away with line rate increase, no more incentives and your compensation is reduced by ONE-HALF! I am ready to throw in the towel and go captive; if I'm only going to make $10-12 an hour I may as well work someplace that offers benefits!

Yes, it makes sense and - Donna

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I have actually started doing some of that, but I delete the VR first when I look ahead and I can see the ridiculous mistakes, and I straight type what I hear. Then, I advance to the pre-typed stuff that makes sense and is correct with the VR. I continue this way through the report and it does help. Thanks for your post!

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