A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Well, just when I thought I had job security this compensation (or decompensation) plan comes along. It looks like Nuance people are getting a raise and because Transcend overpaid us, now I'm getting a 'pay adjustment' of $50 less than normal in a pay period. For me, that means I cannot pay one of my bills.
This is the only industry that I know of where they can actually do something like this. This is why there should be unions or at least a committee overseeing these situations that will be a bridge between AAMT (I forgot what the latest abbreviation is) and the companies to represent the best interest of us MTs.
I work on an account that requires no more than 3 blanks sent to the customer on one report. If there are more than 3 blanks, it goes to QC. Well, with the maximum 10% to QC requirement in order to achieve incentive, I am predicting that what is going to happen is a standardization across the board for all accounts that ANY blank is to be sent to QC. This will ensure that we hit our QC maximum faster and it will be a detriment to any hope for achieving the incentive. That's what I think is going to happen next.
Let's all of us (those of us getting pay cuts) send emails of dissatisfaction with the company's new policy and inundate them with complaints. Better yet, send a letter to the labor department and tell them what I just told you - that this industry needs regulations and standards set so our paychecks are not held hostage by greedy CEOs. Get petitions going....LET'S DO SOMETHING!