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Thrown under the bus - disgusted MLS

Posted: Dec 12, 2012

Well, just when I thought I had job security this compensation (or decompensation) plan comes along. It looks like Nuance people are getting a raise and because Transcend overpaid us, now I'm getting a 'pay adjustment' of $50 less than normal in a pay period. For me, that means I cannot pay one of my bills.

This is the only industry that I know of where they can actually do something like this. This is why there should be unions or at least a committee overseeing these situations that will be a bridge between AAMT (I forgot what the latest abbreviation is) and the companies to represent the best interest of us MTs.

I work on an account that requires no more than 3 blanks sent to the customer on one report. If there are more than 3 blanks, it goes to QC. Well, with the maximum 10% to QC requirement in order to achieve incentive, I am predicting that what is going to happen is a standardization across the board for all accounts that ANY blank is to be sent to QC. This will ensure that we hit our QC maximum faster and it will be a detriment to any hope for achieving the incentive. That's what I think is going to happen next.

Let's all of us (those of us getting pay cuts) send emails of dissatisfaction with the company's new policy and inundate them with complaints. Better yet, send a letter to the labor department and tell them what I just told you - that this industry needs regulations and standards set so our paychecks are not held hostage by greedy CEOs. Get petitions going....LET'S DO SOMETHING!


I'd rather just get a new job. - RC

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I don't want to work where I have to fight for respect. I'm looking for employment outside of MT now, because frankly this industry is depressing.

Thrown under the bus - disgusted MLS

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I don't blame you at all! MT has gone from being my career to making pin money - like a hobby. No one can support themselves let alone support a family on this pay. Such an insult.

Thrown under the bus - disgusted MLS

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Isn't it nice how Nuance took good care of their people by giving most of them a raise? After I got the facts in the meeting yesterday, I remembered how at the beginning the speaker said how they worked hard to come up with a plan that was fair across the board....Yeah right! Losing money is NEVER fair.

thrown under the bus - 2 more years

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Just have to stick it out 2 more years and then I can retire.

You thought you had job security?? You related to someone high up? - NO MT has job security. Not TL, TSM XM

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not qa/qc, not work flow coordinators, etc. Not only can pay be cut overnight, a job can disappear overnight. This is not a support-a-family job anymore. It is evolved into a stay-at-home second income job. But there is no job security.

$50? How about $250 a paycheck. sm - anon

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That is the hit I took when they bought out my employer. $250 less every 2 weeks (including the incentive program, shift differential, vacation and holiday pay we had with previous employer). That was on top of the pay cuts my previous employer had initiated with VR.

p.s. I don't believe that part about most of the people getting a raise. Sorry, not buying it.

$250 a paycheck - recentlyoutsourced

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I went from grossing about $2000 a paycheck to taking home a little over $800!

Yuck! Obviously, the more productive one is, the greater the "hit". - anon

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How awful.

p.s. I was talking about $250 net when I posted above. $250 net cut in pay just from the buyout.

$2,000 a paycheck - you must be a fellow former MDIer :-) - Just My 4 Cents

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I believe you. When I worked for MDI, I was able to qualify for a mortgage and bought my first (current) home, all as a single mom. I got hired on when they were offering a $1,500 sign-on bonus (yes, bonuses for MTs existed!) with pay at 10 cents a line, and that certainly helped towards closing. I was even offered 11 cents a line but would have been on ops all day - don't mind ops, but don't want to drag through them all day long. I owe my being a homeowner to DF and it's sad to see her legacy of not just fair but above-average compensation, and good employee relations, expunged from industry history. I never thanked her personally and, given the state of things now and the industry as a whole, I wish I had. Thank you DF.
MDIer - recentlyoutsourced
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No....I was working in-house for a hospital in Alaska. This is my first time with an MTSO and I am NOT LIKING IT. I interviewed for a HIMS position in the town I now live in - crossing my fingers I get it. IT HAS GOT TO BE MORE PAY THAN WHAT I AM GETTING NOW!!

Agree, no way did most Nuance people get a raise. I sure didn't. - anon

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My pay is exactly what it was when I started 2 years ago. Nuance does not believe in raises. The only raise you get is the impossible to achieve incentives.

The numbers I saw in the meeting yesterday were pretty much identical to what it has always been.

Sending to QC - me

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Never send to regular QC if blurry sound or blurry dictation causes the blank. Choose another option in the list, such as Sound quality of Second Liston. This is not counted against you. Most of my blanks are due to sound problems/dictator problems. Probably you also.

My pay cut will be about 60%, and the news was - Just Kill Me Now

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Delivered in the most rude, offensive, and insulting manner.

YES! That letter was SO insulting. - depressed

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Completely shifting the blame of a MASSIVE pay cut from their greed to being our own fault and they're giving us 3 months to increase production so that we don't have to take a cut. Are you kidding me?! When you're already a top producer, there's no more room for 6000 new lines to make my paycheck even. RUDE! INSULTING! DISGUSTING!

It couldn't have been a real surprise to anyone. - anon

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Nuance and MModal both do this and it is no secret. The boards are full of this info after every acquisition. They devour your company and then bring you down to minimum wage.

It stinks but it is definitely the norm.

Mine is $291 a pay period, almost $600 a month. I'm screwed when that 3 months is up. - depressed

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I won't be able to pay my car payment, rent, or buy food. Thanks for the Christmas present, Nuance.

Is it a raise Nuance people are getting, or just they now get shift differential? - anon

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I wouldn't classify that as a raise, I would classify that as something they should have always gotten.

It stinks that a bunch of people are losing money but it isn't like Nuance people just hit the lottery.

I have 17+ years experience and I make the same lousy 0.825/0.413 as you are about to get.

Enjoy your last 3 months being able to make a living wage. Soon you will be joining the rest of us minimum wagers trying to decide if we would rather flip burgers for a living.

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