A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Can we have some positivity around here?? - newmt2

Posted: Aug 12, 2010

I am a newbie myself, and let me just say that from what I've read on here, the overwhelming tone on this board is a negative one. I understand that this may be a tough job field to find work in, that pay and hours may be low, but isn't there someone out there who is POSITIVE about the MT field??? I am a very positive person myself, and while I want to be realistic, I don't like reading a bunch of negative posts about "you wasted money going to school" and "I've been in this field 20 years and still can't find work". It depresses me and makes me feel like I'm wasting my time being an MT. I worked my butt off in school, graduated with an extremely high GPA, and YES I still don't have a job but I am hopeful. I've had about 2-3 interviews with companies and I know if I stick it out, something great will come. I'm not in this field to make big $$, just to have a nice supplemental income to my husband's and be able to stay home and be a homemaker. I would appreciate it if posts in the future were more positive. I'm sick of the negativity!!!!!

Some positivity - New2

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AMEN! I am new to this industry also, and I find that it is already daunting enough when you have worked your tail off for months and months and then so many people on the largest MT board in the country seem to hate the industry, their jobs, newbies, etc.... I am a realist also, but it would be nice to hear once in a while that I have not wasted the last 2 years training for a field that is worse than janitorial work!

Welcome aboard newmt2 and I will tell you this .... - JAPMT

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What you see as negativity, "I've been in this field 20 years and still can't find work," is not negativity, it is the absolute truth and realization of what has happened to this industry. I, for one, have over 22 years experience and I am having an extremely difficult time finding a job that will pay me a decent wage. Like you, I am not out to make big money; however, unlike you and like so many others here, I am single and I am solely responsible for my bills in my household.

I am not being disrespectful to you by any means but if you truly want to find out how the MT world is in this day and time you need to read all of the posts. There are some positive stories out there, I have seen them first hand but right now I believe that the negative outweighs the positives. You have to consider that a lot of the MTs who have years of experience, such as myself, have taken HUGE pay cuts over the last several years, that in addition to having to work on absolutely horrible platforms, deal with sitting and waiting on work to come in that never shows, horrible QA people (one tells you one way and the next time you are dinged because this one wants it another way), there are just so many variables.

If I were a newbie and just starting out, I would be disillusioned also by the majority of the posts on here but you and every other MT, regardless if they are a newbie or not, have to develop an attitude, the attitude that you are going to find THE best job with the best benefits, the best pay available and you WILL make the best of it. Again, not being disrespectful but it is not anyones job here to be your cheerleader and ultimately if you have come here for that, then I am sorry to say that you have come to the wrong place.

Now, for some positivity .... I can absolutely positively say that tomorrow is Friday ... TGIF. Joking with you of course.

I do hope that you find what you are looking for, YOU remain positive about your situation and hopefully you will come out on top. I wish you the best!

I hate the negativity too - Luv MT a lot

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I've done MT at home for 15 years, still love it. I learn something new every day. I can't think of a job I'd rather do. The pay is fine for me.

In the 15 years I've been an MT, I've never been unable to find work, have always worked full time doing it. I like ASR (and I know a few other MTs who like it too).

I hate the negativity too and always like to see positive posts. I think attitude is very important in any job and a good attitude will get you much farther than a bad attitude.

Good luck to you!

Thanks!! - newmt2

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Thank you for the positive reply! I love hearing a success story. Of course, not everyone will be that successful at MT, but you have given me hope! Just the kind of post I was looking for.

newbie - anon

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I graduated in February 2010 and the only job I have had lasted 4 days and I worked about 37 hours and made 6 cpl and made $51.64 - over 800 lines in 37 hours. That sounds like a laugh, but I love doing this and am going to keep on trying to get better and to find more work.

that's rather presumptuous - sm

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I am astonished that you really just came here to tell us all that, now that you are posting here, you expect more positive posts from us in the future. As if we're here for you and you only!

What is even more astonishing is that you're not the first. Over the months, I have seen at least 6 new posters DEMAND we all stop being so negative because THEY don't like it.

Do you really think the MTs here like the position they are in? Hardly! A little empathy is in order. Dozens of MTs post here about their problems because they want to vent, want advice, want support. They are not making this up or exaggerating, and they certainly aren't sitting there hoping to offend the random anonymous newbie who only wants to read about sunshine and rainbows. Because, honestly, it's not all about you.

News flash.. - justmy2cents

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Not all of us are 'glass-half-empty' types. Are you a new MT? Didn't think so. And honestly, in case you weren't aware, it is most definitely not all about you and your problems either.

That is presumptuous of you - IMO...

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Posters have asked for posts to not be so negative for a good reason. The negativity here turns people away from the board. Just because this board is primarily negative doesn't mean ALL MTs are negative, it means no happy MTs want to post here because of the negativity.

I have a very hard time with all the negativity here too, and I know I'm not the only one.

Every time I say something positive, someone shoots me down. Who needs that?

I'd like to be able to talk about ways to improve productivity, share ideas, etc., not just bitch and whine.

if most posts for a long time have been negative, then that is simply how it is. - n/m

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It is the reality of the MT world - if there was something positive - - we would say it......Sorry.

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There is nothing positive about sitting around waiting on work all day/week/month/year for pennies. Years of experience means nothing. Loyality means nothing - the all mighty dollar is what matters. They took half of my money over the past 10 years - tell me why should I be positive? Good luck - hopefully it will not be that way for you but I doubt it.

If it is that bad - sm - Anonymous

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If things are that bad for you in MT, couldn't you find something else to do where you would be happier?

When you have spent over half of your life as an MT, in (sm) - anon

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debt because of your pay being cut so many times, you cannot afford to do anything else. There have been several MTs who have left to take jobs doing other things but when the only skills that you have are typing and medical terminology at the ages of 40, or older, there are not many companies out there that will hire you. Trust me, it is not as easy as your question makes it, I have tried, lol. Plus there are loads of us, myself included, who love what we do, hope and pray that things will change or that we will find that "right" company where we are appreciated, paid a decent wage and there is a consistency of work to be able to make a living.
Half of life as MT - Anonymous
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That was an honest answer, and thank you for not telling me to get a clue. I started transcribing when I was 20, I'm 56 now, lol! I'm being threatened by EPIC and VR but holding on for as long as I can. I'm trying to keep my options open, taking some classes, and hopefully will be ready for something else when the time comes. I also hope and pray that things will change for the better, good luck to you.

Oh.... Dontcha just LOVE it - no1joe

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when people say "can't you just find something else to do?" I'm sick of it. Let me ask you and all the others who have the same question or offer the same solution: Can you pay my bills while I return to school to find a new career??!? If not my bills, how about my tuition, books, travel expenses, etc., to go back to school? Or are you suggesting that we go and work in fast food or Walmart or any other entry-level position for minimum wage? If finding a new job field was that simple, do you really think any of us would still be doing this? Oh, and keep in mind that not all of us have the luxury of having a second income in the household, and some of us do have mortgages and children to feed. What about those of us close to retirement? Find something else to do?? Really??!? Oh, and don't forget about those of us (and our children) who depend on the medical benefits? Oh sure... just pay for the COBRA, right? Fantastic. So, if you're not willing to pay my bills, tuition, or healthcare, and you can't force people into early retirement, I would love to hear what other bright ideas or questions you may have.

And I'm tired of hearing about "all the negativity." Get a clue. These are experienced MTs who want to work!!!! They're not complaining about hating their job, not seeing a raise every few months, having to pay towards their benefits, having to work at all, not getting enough PTO, chipping a nail typing, or anything that could be considered petty. They're venting about showing up for work, even if it is at home, and having NO JOBS AVAILABLE (NJA)! They're venting about working for a company x-amount of years, being a loyal hard-working employee, and then having their job given to someone in India! They're venting about no benefits being offered at all! Many of us are unemployed, and many of us are scared and worried about how we are going to make ends meet. I have not seen ANYONE on here looking for anything outrageous and complaining when they don't get it. They want decent work at a decent wage; they want what's fair and have every right to come on here and commiserate. If you or anyone else does not like it, couldn't you find some other site to visit where you would be happier??

New career - Anonymous
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I am going to school, working full time and supporting myself so it can be done. I've been an MT for 35 years and was planning to work for another 10 until I retire, so I have all the same worries. I want the same things all of you want but I have no problem getting out of MT if I have to in order to earn a living. I never accused anyone of being negative, and trust me, I already have a clue.
An additional note to No1Joe - Anonymous
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I'm not the unhappy one, but in regard to your advice about finding another website; thanks, I think I will do just that.
just so we don't lose no1joe. - N/M
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To clarify... - no1joe
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Your original post was short and alluded to the idea of "No Work? Not happy? Get a new job!" I've read that over and over again on this site, and I firmly believe it's an unacceptable and sarcastic response. There was a post on here the other day from someone with NJA, and the response was "Why don't you try this..." with a link to the Job Seeker's Board. I think that's kicking a horse while it's down. I truly believed your post was yet another one like this but a little more polite. If you included the fact that you are going back to school after 35 years in this industry (which is quite inspirational) in your original post, I would have had nothing to say because it would have been obvious that you were coming from an "If I can do it, anyone can do it" perspective. The second part of my post was not directed 100% toward you, but to the oringal poster (that's why I separated it with a paragraph), and I stand by it. In hindsight, I should have put that in a separate post altogether.

If I misunderstood your original post, I do apologize. Best of luck to you in your continued education.

There are positives - I say positive things

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But you don't want to hear anything positive. This board is negative because negative people shove positive people away.

You guys do that to me all the time.

Here goes...I love my MT job. Go ahead, shove me off the board.

Positives - Happy MT

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I get sick of all the negativity too. Be proactive about your situation. I have been in the MT field for 11 years and haven't had an ounce of training until just this last year. All of my knowledge came from being on the job and another job and another job (seven jobs total at one point). Two months ago I got hired for a full-time position doing acute care and have never done acute care in my life. I also have three part-time jobs. Every single job is IC status for the time being with no schedule, and in a month or so my full-time job becomes employee status with no schedule. I get paid 4 different ways with 4 different rates and my typing speed is pretty darn good. Just this weekend, I made on average $30 an hour. The jobs are out there, but guess what I'm always proactively looking. If you are submitting resumes and not being interviewed or hired, maybe it's time to redo your resume to attract someone to it. If you aren't passing the tests, then maybe you need to brush up on your skills. As far as those MT's who are the only ones paying your bills, so am I and I have five kids at home, as well as going to school full-time through a community college (all online) for my MT training (I know, it's odd, but better late than never) and another major in case the MT falls through at some point. Also, if you are the only breadwinner in the family that probably qualifies you for some financial aid or student loans. I'm ridiculously busy and sleep about 3 hours a night, but hey, this is the life I choose. I'm sure you've heard of the saying "your life is what you make it."

Not Wasting Your Time - kathleen

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You hang in there newmt2!

There is a fair amount of money to be made doing this work. I, too, am working to have a nice supplemental income. I am also physically and mentally handicapped, so working elsewhere is really not an option for me. Even if I could somehow swing a job locally at a neighborhood convenience store or Wal-Mart, I don't think I'd do that. I love what I am doing.

I love being able to work from home. I have a great deal of difficulty ambulating now, and going out and traveling to any job or any appointment is always a big problem.

I work as an IC for a really wonderful MTSO in the land of the potatoes, and this affords me a great deal of latitude when it comes to working. If I happen to get sick (which is fairly frequent), I can lie down for a few hours if work flow is low or when the critical TAT reports are taken care of. Afterward, I can go back to work and get my lines. No other job anywhere affords me that opportunity.

I graduated from Andrews back in '08, and it took me literally hundreds of applications and many hours of testing before I landed my first position. I was real, real lucky, because I signed on for acute care. It was a tad rough going at times because I was totally on my own as an IC...but I have made it...and you can too!

With today's economic woes, it may take significantly longer to land your first job--but land it you will! In the meantime, be sure to keep up your skills by re-transcribing some of your work from school.

While I do agree with you that this board is somewhat negative, it is not anywhere as negative as MTchat is.

Keep applying and keep a good and positive attitude always. That alone will serve you well.

Not wasting your time - 1morenewbie

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Kathleen, you sound like a truly wonderful person. The kind your friends are lucky to know.

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