A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

i suspect - a lot of you

Posted: Apr 07, 2015

are getting emails that i am not?  i see all these posts and i don't know what you are talking about.  BUT, i certainly understand the reactions, because even though i have yet to be told mandatory OT is in effect, and i don't get audited very often and i don't have comments that make me feel like crap, its just the entire set up that is depressing.  they set us up to fail and expect loyalty.  i'm waiting for an email so i can respond by telling them its a shame they have created an employee such as myself.  one who loved her job and was always loyal and would volunteer for OT.  now, they have created someone who no longer cares, who will never volunteer for anything, and barely proofs my reports before sending them on their way.  they have taken us from caring about quality to turning us into beaten down employees who just do the bare minimum.  sadly, i'm fine with that now.  i'm embracing the new me, if thats how they want to play this game.

What POD are you in that you do not get - audited monthly.

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I too was almost never audited for years (been here since 1995), but once the mandatory monthly audits started, I've never missed one yet.

oh - i get them

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i get a monthly audit, but the way some of these posts sound, its like folks are getting audited every week, or sent emails reporting all their errors. a monthly audit is no big deal, i barely even look at mine, they are good enough and the stupid things i get marked off for i just roll my eyes at. i've never seen any demeaning comments like some seem to say they are getting, they just seem pretty straight forward, in spite of marking off for stupid inconsequential things.

the audits don't bother me. what bothers me is how they set us up to fail. as soon as we get good on certain accounts, they switch us over to brand new ones again, things we've never seen or done, accents that will take us another month or two before we get used to and up to speed again.they just throw us into the deep end without a rhyme or reason and with no life preserver, hoping we will drown. this plan of theirs guarantees that we will never ever increase our wages. as soon as we get good again, they'll change us again. there is just no point in trying with this set up.

also - i was

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referring to all the comments about mandatory OT, which i haven't seen for a week, thankfully. they are still asking for people to do OT, but have not said the M word yet.

We get audited about 8 times a month - plus the MOT e-mails

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if you don't, consider yourself lucky

I think we're audited constantly, but for whatever reason the PC - sm

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never sends out any results. We're told of people failing and passing, yet not informed how we did or which of those categories we individually fell into. Very strange. I haven't been informed of my audit results in over a year.

^Not that I'm complaining. The audits are just - sm Poster Above

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a morale killer due to an unachievable grade requirement, not a true percentage anyway, bouncing on too many accounts, overly aggressive grading, etc. I guess I'm happier not knowing.

It's a job, like the Yaris was a car. - nm

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