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how bout this - instead

Posted: Mar 20, 2014

of weeping and raging about being left behind, sign up for a course on your own. If you really want to do it, you can. 


I don't recall anyone "raging" - anon

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I just think it was kinda rude to not notify everyone, just some people.

However, it is not the end of the world, and I had already planned to move along.

To be honest, I am not too heart broken over it.

Though, like Hanibal Lecter, I do despise rude behavior and not notifying everyone is very rude behavior.

I just hope this coding thing is everything everyone wants it to be - anon

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and not just another let down by MM

I second that, though I am somewhat skeptical - anon

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I truly hope they have a 100% success rate, but life seldom works like that.

Best of luck to all. But I sort of had reservations about going ahead with it anyway. The company is on shaky ground right now.

It may be a blessing in disguise. It made my decision for me, I am outta here in a couple of months, as planned

I do not see anyone raging, but I agree with outside - course and I think will be better prepared.

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If this is something you really think you want to do, there are courses out there to take and I think you'll have more and perhaps better options. I still think that the Mmodal course is going to be geared more towards their software and their coding model, which is still a good thing, but there are other options.

not 1 person on here to this minute is weeping or raging. Stir the pot - mtnsp

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somewhere else for a rise. Everyone has been beyond gracious.

Always searching - for a slight

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in every post, people. I knew I wanted to be an MT. I tried every way to get into it. I took silly terminology courses. I cold called companies. I sent totally inexperienced resumes, just in hopes. I finally did break in and became successful. Just saying if you truly want to be a coder, it is right in front of you. Don't need a corporate sponsor if it is your passion.

"Weeping and raging" ?? - WOW

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I think those of us who weren't given even the smallest courtesy of a notice deserve the right to be upset by that. If you do not fall into that category then I'm happy for you but we're all HUMAN and it HURTS right now. We're all going to be fine and get up tomorrow morning with drive and determination but for tonight it's totally OK to give us that space to be sad about something we wanted.

As for signing up for a course on our own, you have NO IDEA of my personal situation. Maybe it's easy for you to "just sign up" for a course you want to take and maybe you have a second form of income coming into your house that would allow that option to be a feasible one but in MY HOUSE, I'm a single mom on Food Stamps with only ONE income with kids to feed and a roof to keep over our heads and sometimes I barely hold on so putting $1200 down on the Linda Andrews School and paying $130+ a month for classes is completely impossible. This Coding program was my one and only hope of getting out of this hole of a job and moving on to something that could move me someplace better after 2 years so don't sit in judgement over those of us who have earned the right to be SAD because of that LOST POSSIBILITY.

There is absolutely one thing I cannot stand and will make the hair stand up on my neck every time and that's JUDGEMENT OF MY SITUATION by someone who doesn't even freaking know me.

I worried - s

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about what if you get and then fail, and then where are left with your MTing? Except, not really in a good spot now. Also, although I'm considering coding now, it's more about money; but honestly, I know an RHIT who is at home transcribing because she hated coding, and I wonder, is it going to be MORE BORING? Just my 2 cents.

I am sympathetic to your situation. I agree the lack of - common courtesy is worthy

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of commentary. MModal should have made sure every single candidate was notified, not just a select few.

Some people just come on here to get out their own raging. Ignore them.

I guess I am moving into the ANGER stage - anon

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I admit it, I am angry they didn't bother to send me an email.

Isn't that what this kind of forum is for, venting our feelings regarding the treatment we receive from our employers?

Between this rude snub and the Ch 11, I am not feeling warm and fuzzy toward MModal at this moment.

I feel really angry actually. I am a good employee - I deserve the courtesy of notice

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You would think with the fear and ill-feelings already brewing towards MM right now they would try to be extra careful in something as simple as notifying EVERY ONE about the coder program. If you aren't going to notify everybody of rejection, then notify no one.

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