Zero Tolerance - in CP
Posted: Jan 21, 2014
Normally work in West region, but for some reason this morning got a couple of reports from accounts in East region that I've never had before. The CP for one of them stated "zero tolerance" for errors in patient identification or CC's, and said that the global or domestic MT/MME making such an error was subject to immediate termination. Wow, seemed kind of harsh to me. What happens if the dictator gives you the wrong information or wrong cc - does the MT still get terminated?
I don't know, but ... - anon
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... the moment I saw that in a client profile would be the moment I logged off. There is NO WAY I would work on an account that was "zero tolerance" ANYTHING.
I've typed those - Trampled underfoot
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At least with the ones I've done, it's only for incorrect patient name (not incorrect encounter) and incorrect CCs. I double check to make sure the name is what they say and don't make any assumptions about CCs - just put them through as they say, spelled phonetically, like "Dr. Schmerfulfeller" Or "Dr. _____________"
I refuse to do these reports - anon
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I got some as well and promptly told my tsm I wasn't going to do them. It was a helper pool. If I am not familiar with the acct there is no way I am doing an acct with that disclaimer on it.
Exactly ... might as well have a skull and cross bones on it - anon
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I'm surprised they can find anyone to work that account - I would avoid it like the plague.
I would probably work on that account - since I have had NJA
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all day. I am about that desperate.
Is it legal to terminate you for - something you are not
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getting paid for?
Or a better question, is it legal to require a piece worker - to do unpaid work?! nm
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why not zero tolerance - what do you expect?
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Why would they expect anything less than zero tolerance. Isn't the patient's name available to you in the ADT? IF so, there is no excuse for making errors in the patient name. These are legal documents and at the very least the client should expect that the patient's name be spelled correctly. As for CCs, well if you send a report to the wrong person, you should be fired. Most companies have a zero tolerance policy on this. Remember all those pages you signed for client confidentiality? There's your zero tolerance. I would be very concerned if they expected anything else. Do you want them to tell you it is ok to make an error that could cost them their contract?
Would a doctor be fired for making the same mistake? - Sm
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I couldn't count how many doctor errors I have caught regarding patient names and CCs. Yes, it's my job to catch those errors, but the point is we are human and we all make mistakes. Zero tolerance is the same as expecting 100% accuracy, not gonna happen for minimum wage.
Cant wait for the sanctimonious answer to this one - BooYah
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Physician responsibility - poorhouse
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Isn't the signing physician ultimately responsible for his reports? I know most /attempt/ to spell the patient's name or give date of birth but usually mangle it. And, if the doc says to send a copy to "Dr. Smith," that's what goes into the CC field...let the facility figure out which Smith. I can only make the magic happen with what they give me...if it's crap, then some facility/doc is getting a lot of blanks. We are all humans, us and the docs. Some may think VR, being unhuman, is perfect, but no, it's just like us. Actually worse than us. I always think of VR as an MT who just doesn't give a sh!t.
I had a report this morning - sm
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and dictator wanted a CC to go to Dr. N-something, mumble, mumble Johnson, and he spelled Johnson. He also gave the patient MR# as today's date.
OK then YOU work it - anon
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And leave the accounts that expect us to be HUMAN to the rest of us.
Be sure to say hello from the unemployment line.
Could cost them their contract - zero tolerance
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As an MT, I can tell you MDs make plenty of mistakes:
1. Mispronounce medications.
2. Misspell medications.
3. In the middle of reports, they cannot even remember if the patient is a he or a she.
4. I have had MDs forget who the patient is in the middle of a report and start naming another patient's name, for instance, they begin a report with Ralph and end the report with Tim.
5. In the ADT screen, MDs will dictate an MR# that does not even match the patient name or date of service.
6. Some MDs do not even bother to give any ADT information. They just start in on the report.
7. When it comes to letters, there are MDs who will name the addressee, whose name he/she cannot even pronounce and does not even bother to spell it out for us to get it right.
8. Some MDs, do not even provide an address for the addressee, and I do the search for an address but then I end up finding 2 or 3 addresses for the addressee, which one do I choose? I end up having to send it to QA where they don't know either, yet I get docked for it.
9. Then, there are those ESL doctors who cannot even put together a sentence that makes sense. I send these to QA for help and sometimes they cannot figure it out either, yet I get docked for asking for help.
I could go on and on about the carelessness involved when MDs dictate their reports, and yet MM demands that we, MTs, give 99.7% accuracy--it is not going to happen as long as MDs do not care how or what they dictate.
Also, your post indicates that you, like this company, is only concerned about money. You do not even know what is going on, nor do you even care.
That would be a good lawsuit for WRONGFUL TERMINATION sm - Matt
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to be terminated for an error made on work that is UNPAID to begin with. Follow with complaint to the labor board and BBB.
I thought there was zero tolerance for this across the board - L&L
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on all Mmodal accounts...these are HIPAA violations. Aren't any HIPAA violations cause for immediate termination?
What's the big deal; if you're not sure, mark it for QA.
If the doctor or dictator messes up - sm
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Then they are responsible..if there is something questionable on your end, send it to QA and make a copy of what you send..Found out QA can change crap in docqscribe when I worked for another company using the program..I got gigged, long story short, I proved her wrong, I proved she fixed it, she got fired, they took me off the account and wouldnt put me back on for her mistake,,so I just found another job and stopped working..took them three weeks to realize I was gone...idiots!!!
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