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You can run, but you can't hide - loopyMT

Posted: Aug 15, 2012

The company I fled to 3 years ago to escape MedQuist has just purchased our MTSO.  Lovely, back to the cesspool.  If it weren't for bad luck . . .

You can run but you can't hide - loopyMT

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Meant to say MModal just purchased us!

now who did they buy? - head is spinning

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OMG, this is just crazy!

now who did they buy? - head is spinning - loopyMT

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They bought a small family owned business called VanBelkum Transcription in Grand Rapids, Mich. Just devastated to think I have to go back to MedQuist -- or whatever they're called. I need a new strategy so I don't get sucked into the stress and utter despair I felt when I worked there before. Suggestions?
Wow, I heard good things about them - and
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Have a shortcut to their site on my desktop. I had planned to apply but I am so afraid to leave MQ for this very reason...

I wish I had any suggestions for you. I guess the only thing is, might as well stay here cause anywhere you go will be bought by either Nuance or the Q!

Oh, no. I had always planned to - apply with them.
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always kept it on the back burner just in case. Always heard good things about them, but they weren't always hiring. So sorry for you...

Same thing happened to me. Left MQ, about 2 years - wannie

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later, MQ bought the company I went to. Left that company for another one that assured me they were not going to be bought by anybody, that they were the ones doing the buying. Guess what, they sold to Nuance about 3 or 4 months later.

my sympathies to you all - MT Gone

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I feel so sad when I read about this happening to so many. The only good thing is those who have been there KNOW they need to make an escape plan because they know what's ahead, and it ain't purty! Back before Spheris was sold out to Q I was approached by a much smaller company, but they weren't really offering enough to make it worth my while, and I figured at that point the devil I knew (or thought I knew) was better than than the one I didn't. Then the "Q" came calling, and it was all downhill...at that point after doing some research, and realizing Q was eating up every company in sight I figured I'd better completely jump ship, or find myself just waiting to get that dreade Email that the Q was my new "master." I miss the MT field some days, I miss working from home lots of days, my new job is stressful at times, but I'm paid fairly and told I'm valuable, and the stress comes from the JOB NOT the company/people I work for. It's sad to see this happening to so many loyal, experienced MTs who really love the work, and remember the way it used to be.

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