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MM needs an intervention - Anon

Posted: May 23, 2012

Honestly at MM there are way to many big suits. We get emails all the time that this new person is joining and to welcome them, but honestly everytime I see an email.....I can't help but think there goes another cent from my line count. Honestly we are the bread and butter of the company without us they would be up the creek. We do not need 5 people to do the same job. We need 1 big suit per area. Get rid of some of the suits and give your MTs a raise!! 4 cpl for voice rec, which is more work than if I were to straight type it, might I add that most of our work is now voice rec......so we make peanuts!!!! You want to make us happy put your money where your mouth is and get rid of the big suits you hired to make the MTs happy because they are the reason why we can only make peanuts here!!

Thank you and have a nice day!! 

Send this to Vern. I do this regularly and sm - mqmt

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if more MTs would do the same, maybe, just maybe it would make a difference. We can always hope!

Why do you people keep spinning your wheels? - Vern has heard it all

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Why do you people keep spinning your wheels?

because they want to be "grand" also - just guessing

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Why do you care what they do?

How do you know what he has heard? - MQer

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I think the post is spot on. How do you know what Vern has heard? If he has heard it all, well he needs to hear it again. Just saying.
Surveys, conference calls, etc. - He knows.
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Okay, spin your wheels. We have been complaining about ASR and the horrible pay for, let's see, 7 years? Do you think nobody "heard?"
knowing and doing something about it are 2 different things - just saying
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Of course he knows how terrible the working situation is. He hears the complaints, the surveys, the exit questionaires, whatever emails slip through, but does he intend to do something different to fix the situation? You will know after we see the benefits package and the rewards compensation.

"You people"? -nm - :(

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You don't know what - he has heard

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Sometimes people in mgt are so disconnected that they are clueless how their decisions affect others, as long as it doesn't decrease their pay or their bonus or their lifestyle. Keep shouting and writing and tweeting and emailing and suing.

Vern could give a rat's arse...the reason he makes - Kiki

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his $500,000 year salary plus bonuses (this isn't made up, it's in the annual report in black and white)--it's what he makes!....but one of the reasons he DOES is because he is a genius in figuring out how to keep cutting our pay and benefits to line his and the other suits' silk pockets...

Reminds me of Fun with Dick and Jane - New at MM

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Everytime I see his face, it makes me think of that CEO talking about how he had to sell his house in Martha's Vineyard. If you haven't seen that movie, it is a good one for our situation.