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I am demoralized - downtime

Posted: Oct 16, 2012

I waited all summer for an "enhanced" compensation plan.  I didn't really expect a rate increase, but I thought maybe they'd come up with some kind incentive plan. In all honesty, when they first said it, I think they thought they could do it.  Looks like they gave it a good, hard look and decided, sorry ladies, we can't pay you one rupee more than we are paying you already.  And they kept us waiting for that all the way till Fall. 

I'd also like to know who this "handful" of MTs was that was chosen for coding training.  I'd like to get into coding myself, but to tell the truth I'm not sure I'd want to do it for MModal.

so much for our communication - never heard of the training

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It just pisses me right off that I never had the opportunity to express my interest in learning something new.

I still see a paycut coming, and I knew Amy would not be distributing that news. Big stuff like that is saved for Vern, so be waiting.

The enhanced compensation plan did take - place early this summer...

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We get better insurance for a cheaper rate, and they are contributing to our 401s. The insurance put a little over 100 dollars more in my pocket each check, and I now have some extra money going in my 401. Would have loved a pay increase, but this is better than nothing.

And for those who cant afford insurance anyway - GET NOTHING.

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I am definitely enjoying having copays - buddymt

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again. I have health issues and could not afford the insurance with no copays. Also glad the insurance premiums went down.

So says management. But what about PT employees? - We dont get insurance and who has SM

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a big enough paycheck that they can even afford to fund a 401?

I have always heard that most companies - flmt

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don't provide much for parttime employees. That is just the way it usually is. But, I think they could if they really wanted to since they do pay the upper management so much.
When I worked for the hospital, part-time did not - qualify for insurance. You had
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to work a certain amount of hours to even be considered eligible for insurance and to my understanding, thats everywhere, not just with MTSOs.

part timers should get a higher line rate - sm

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They dont contribute anything towards our insurance, so we cost them less money, so they should pay us more!
My husband got an extra $50 per paycheck if he - did not take the insurance
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So, that was $200 a month added to his check.

Why cant MModal do that?
Because they are greedy. - mom2huskies
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I also have obtained my insurance on my own, which is cheaper than what Mmodal provides.

When my dad died, I didnt get bereavement pay because I was PT. Do - they think I was less sad than a FT? nm

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of course not - sm
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bereavement pay is a benefit like anything else - vacation, sick days, health insurance, etc. Your employer gets to decide what benefits they offer, and they don't have to offer anything. What are you thinking?
I am thinking it sux I did not get bereavement pay just becuase I - am PT. Thats what I am thinking. nm
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but that's just the way it is - sm
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When I have opted to work PT, I had no insurance, no paid time off, and certainly no bereavement time. Working FT, I had one employer offer 3 days of bereavement pay, and another who offered only one. It is their prerogative to develop a benefits package, and ours to accept it or not.
You asked what I was thinking, I replied. End of story. - nm
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I guess I don't understand why you feel slighted - "just because"
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I'm sorry you didn't get bereavement pay, too. But you should not take the lack of bereavement pay personally.
I'd much rather work PT, but I work FT just for those benefits. - nm
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PT are assett for MM. When we work extra, they dont have to - pay OT, unless we go over 40. Unlikely. nm

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I just don't get this - sm

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Working PT or FT is your option. The benefits offered are your employer's option. This is how employment works. Do you think you are entitled to expect certain benefits?
So says management. - nm
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I also believe that if you are hired - gamttt
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as parttime, they tell you that you don't get benefits and if you don't like it, then you should go fulltime to get benefits. They tell you up front you don't get them so why be surprised when they donĂ¢€™t give them to you later?
So says the real world - I just dont get it...
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what makes you think you are entitled to the benefits of your choice?
Agree with "I just dont get this." I dont know of - anywhere where part-time
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employees get the same benefits that full-time do.
how did this turn into a discussion - about part time versus full time
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the point is we don't get any more money! We don't get incentive bonuses, weekend bonuses, or any possibilty of a raise! The Human Resources page of the MQ portal talks about "bonuses" well they need to take that off! There aren't any!
Because people are posting about part-timers not - getting benefits. Thats how.
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but that's not the point! - duh
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yes I can see that's what everyone is posting about but the point is, oh forget it.
I see your point, but the parttime/fulltime benefits - flmt
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are part of the enhanced compensation plan that the original poster was talking about.
then one would wonder why the issue was raised - at the top of the thread (!)
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Because THEY'RE entitled to beaucoup benefits. - We should be entitled to SOMETHING, besides 3cpl.
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"401K's"? ROFL! They know full well most of us - can no longer afford to fund them. nm

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they will cheat you wherever they can. Report - dictator states "an

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excellent candidate" but the ASR types "a good candidate". (clearly excellent is said) that happens all the way through in our "new" fluency for transcription 7.1. cutting transcriptionist short in everyway. Yet they want us to speed up. Get more done. get more done so you can get NJA. you will be cheated in coding too.

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