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I've read several posts over the past week or two, so some of you must be reading the same articles I have. Last summer, I read that JP Morgan was going to let One Equity Partners go it alone and no longer back them financially. Shortly there after another article eluded to the fact that MModal was a cash drain and carried a heavy debt (buyout debt). We have already restructured several times in the recent past. Our new CEO has a background in debt management. About two weeks ago (Jan 14 I think), two articles were posted, one in the WSJ and one in the Dowjones. I have posted both links below. The article in the Dowjones can be read if you sign up for a free trial. The one in the WSJ you have to purchase a subscription to read, but I posted that link anyway. Last April MM had their credit downgraded (third link which is free). We all know the company has seen better days, but since the company went private it is difficult to find anything regarding their financial status. In my opinion, once JP Morgan pulls out.....I probably shouldn't finish that sentence, but I recommend you read the articles and form your own opinion.