A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

FTR essays - whatever

Posted: Apr 04, 2010

Have they posted these essays anywhere so that they can be read?  If they haven't I would suspicion that they don't exist.  If they do exist, shame on the writers of those essays.  Betcha none will ever post on this board and actually say they wrote one. 

essay - mt

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the supposed "winning" essay should be in your email. It was sent out on Friday, I believe, by corporate. All others who wrote an essay but did not win one of the big prizes were supposedly given $50 gift cards. Must not have been that many because I sure can't see MQ giving out 100s of $50 gift cards.

I did not write one. I refused to. Look down at the old posts in the MQ forum since Thurs. You will see more dicussion on this topic.

Why so hard to believe... - Happy MT

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Why does everyone find it so hard to believe there are happy MTs at MedQ. I make an excellent wage and work hard to do so within the rules. This board is so negative a happy MT avoids it. Have a blessed Easter. Please, do not bother with the slams.

hard to believe - i never said

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there weren't any happy MTs at MQ. If you have a great acct and haven't been affected by all that is going on, then consider yourself EXTREMELY FORTUNATE. Unfortunately, there are many, many others including myself who work just as hard trying to put out quality reports only to be stuck on horrible ASR, ESL, bounced around, horrible communication, etc. We've have tried and tried to work with supervisors to remedy the situation, again to no avail. So please do not tell me to not bother with the slams. You know full well that this is going on with many of our employees. It is not a big secret. Yes, we have become jaded and paranoid and possibly do not believe there were any true "winners." You just don't see things from our perspective because you have obviously not been affected to the degree we have.

Happy Easter to you too. I wish I could have gone to church this morning, but NO!

you mean "ommunication"!!!! - he-he

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You have to get it right the FIRST TIME!
he-he - mt
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YET, your are in line happy face - Bunion

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Used to be happy, it happens, quit. Goat head and sink with ship!

I go to church every Sunday, even though - it makes me late for work.

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MQ has taken so much from me thus far and not given back one iota.

They will NOT take away my time to be with my family and worship.

You're making more than $11 an hour? - anon

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. . . I'm not and I'm not happy.

Why do you think - Badcat

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Why do you think... because so many are NOT happy at MQ. And you make me personally wonder how you escaped what all of us have gone through... the pay cuts and the unfair policies they are implementing. Tell me how I can be happy when I went from making 800 dollars every two weeks to 200 dollars every two weeks! And I do have a decent account (note I didn't say great) and usually always have work.

At this point, anyone who posts on here that they are happy are automatically suspected by me anyway of being a suit.

Scroll down below to "MEDQUIST MT" - What does she put in her coffee?

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Apparently someone came to this board who won one of those $50 gift certificates.  It was written kind of like "See?  Told ya so."  She (assuming it was a she) could not see the error in her ways.  She's a perfect rah-rah that has t-shirts printed up with "I'm proud to be a MEDQUIST employee!!" emblazoned across the front, Medquist pens and pencils, and probably went and got her plastic, made-in-China Medquist clock fixed when it arrived in the mail broken on Celebrate Transcriptionists Week.

I think (she) got a chapstick!!!! - BUNION

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MT WEEK?? - amd

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I didn't get JACK for MT week. Who did?

I won a $10 gift card which had taxes taken out of it on paycheck. - mrs.krabs

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I agree. I am not an MQ employee, but I would like to read the winning essay - will be used as advert?

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essay - red

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Just read the essay. I don't think an MT wrote this, especially when you read the last sentence. :)

yippee for paycuts - planetspinz

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If you are happy with sticks and no carrots, then sure your are fine with paycuts and no pay raises, threats to be fired every month but nothing more than relied up for following the rules (which btw included that if you did follow the rules that was how to get a raise), and now being told that you will get a pay cut to a little more than a penny a line if you have too many dictators who talk with their heads up their butts - yep that's right we will be penalized for the dictators who couldn't care less about the accuracy of their dictation.

BTW - if you who are praising MQ are one of the people who won for your essay wait until you get your paycheck and see that the winnings are added to your salary for that pay period, and ALL the taxes are taken out at once.

One more MQ quality.

So why continue working for them - because the devil you know is easier to deal with than the devil you haven't met yet.

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