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privacy - banshee

Posted: Feb 12, 2011

this is what I don't understand. I was reading the posts below about MTs computers and companies who have inserted programs giving them the ability to see what is on your/their computer.

with all the fuss about privacy, why do we have none?  I had to have a background investigation for my job, my computer belongs to the company yet I pay the huge fee every month for the internet to connect it, there are probably all kinds of spy devices on it so they can easily see everything on the PC - but what is my expectation of privacy? 

it can't just work 1 way.  my privacy is also invaded everytime I am video taped in a store or gas station, bank, or where ever.  I do understand these things are needed, yet I don't understand the farce about privacy.

in the hospital ER last week (I have seen this a lot lately) I notice the new modern technology where the big flat screen is used for the techs, nurses and doctors in the room which pulls up all records and tests, everything they need.  cool, really impressive, heading toward the EMR, thanks to Obama by the way.  everyone who comes in the room uses the computer.  however, minutes later a tech comes in, sits at the computer and determines she has the incorrect patient. she then leaves the room but leaves the computer and screen facing out with all the information displaying each room, the patient's name and numbers, and the problems they are in for.  I have questioned this before as it happened at an MRI facility and also at a dentist facility.  Same thing, screens were left facing me with other patient's information.  personally, I would not want someone seeing my name on that screen and what my health issues are for a number of reasons, especially since I am a bit of a public figure in our town. 

might I add that hipaa is posted all over the hospital as well.

but boy, every move I make and whatever I do is monitored by my employer?  where are my rights to privacy, and basically why do I have none?  how do I know who sees my private information and what assurance do I have of how it will be used?  what do companies do with our background investigations.  hate to say it but some of these companies are not above board themselves, and are crooked in business.  can I have a background check on them as well?  how about their employees who have access to our personal information?

just food for thought.  I always thought hipaa was a bit of a scam, although I know there are a few legitimate issues. like my first hospital job the girl who was fired on the spot immediately for looking up a famous person's medical records, printing them, and then leaving them in the waste basket (as evidence!).  that was about 18 years ago, but I know information can be breached which can cause serious issues. but I think it goes too far, as everything does anymore, too extreme.  some of it is job security and justification - look how many people that employed.  like QA also to me is a lot of job security and justification because just having good managers will give you good QA.  mentors, people who train you, etc.  but there are companies now who even like to lower your pay by using 'quality' as tool to do that.  we are held to such high standards for quality, while these doctors and others who dictate deteriorate in their skills and responsibility for what comes out of their mouths. half the time they do not even sound like they care what they are even doing, let alone care for the patients themselves.

I am a bit of a cynic I know...but don't take me too seriously.

Banshee - Nick

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Did you go to the administrator's office and raise h**l? I would have. There is an old saying that you deserve the kind of treatment you will accept. The porridge would have hit the fan if it had happened to me.

Assumption of privacy - me

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The computer belongs to your employer, so they can do whatever they'd like with it. You have no assumption of privacy in an employment situation, other than when you pee, and in some companies, they monitor how long that takes you.

I would have reported the violations at the clinic with the monitors.

BTW- EMR was in the works way before Obama was elected president. If you want to kvetch about privacy, you might want to hit up the prez before Obama, afterall, he wanted us to have NONE, in any capacity.

Privacy is not a constitutional right. So vent away, but be prepared for that privacy to dwindle faster and faster as we become more technologically afraid.

Me's pretty much nailed it. Please note that first paragraph, - very well established in law. NM

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My MT software belongs to my MTSO, but my PC, - & 90% of its data, belong to ME, not them.

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Agree, so don't AGREE to let them in if you don't - trust them. It requires your agreement.

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BTW, I allowed our tech onto my laptop to download work programs. I believed him when he said personal files would not be accessed, I do definitely believe there was no invasion of privacy, OR any desire at all to invade privacy. Almost certainly in your case, too. In these overly business-friendly days I wouldn't guess exactly how various applicable laws might be interpreted, but snooping by data mining personal files would be would be way, way, way over any gray line.

their computer yes - your computer no way. - anoname

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and you don't ever use their computer for anything outside of transcribing their reports. why would you?

How nice of you to allow me to vent - Banshee

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I didn't realize I needed your permission.

My feelings are that Obama is the one who has seen the importance of EMR and is very much supportive of it. In the last 2 years the hospitals I have been in, they are receiving the funds to implement the changes, even in the poorer areas. It is a nice thing to see. I do realize EMR has been in the making since I started MT a couple of decades now ago, but my point is I see it now visibly going on the hospitals, and I hear his words that he is committed to it. I also question and read, and there is funding for things in health care thanks to the new laws.

Also, I am perfectly aware when a PC is owned by a company, but my point is I am paying the internet connection, which is NOT cheap. What else is my internet used for by them or how far can a company 'peer' into your 'connection' even with another computer in the house. I do not trust these companies, just like they do not trust us.

One thing I am 100% positive of, these companies are doing more illegal things and untoward things, than we could probably ever even think of. MedQuist for one, eveyone knows they were cheating a lot of people. But hey trust them all if you want.

Mostly I was commenting about privacy anywhere in life, and the falicy and profit being made on it when we don't even in fact have any. Again, I believe bottom line the laws are only protecting a corporation's money in the long run. A way to blame the little guy.

Banshee, a better post on this subject was never written, - until you did! Thank you! -MTWordz

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MTWordz - Banshee

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I am glad you got my point as it seems to have been missed above a little bit. In other words, everyone else supposedly has privacy, except us? What are privacy laws for, or should I saw who are they for - are they to protect the money?

If I am to expect none, as above, how could I possibly violate someone elses?

The poster who mentioned her private information being violated by a tech, that is another concern. That is only what was done in front of her, what goes on when you are not looking, and I am not only talking about the computers. Nothing is being done on a PC that belongs to work, but I am talking about the huge fuss made for everyone elses privacy, but I am to expect none.

I am talking about cameras that are easily hidden now into monitors that you also would not even know are there. Whose privacy then is protected?

here's a situation, tech from work accessed my computer for dowloading... - read on please

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...for downloading their custom shorthand dictionary, using Go to My PC to connect. All on the up-and-up, mind you, and with my permission, and all while I watched what she was doing on my screen. A function done several times by several techs at several places of employment over the years, and, of course, I always watch. It is MY computer. Never a problem until this gal.

She opened my documents and looked down the list of my folders and stopped on one I had named 'prior employment,' where I store account data, contracts, and general what-have-you from prior companies I have worked for.

She had the audacity to open 'prior employment' and look down those folders to see where I had worked in the past.

There I was - VIOLATED - right before my eyes. Not that she was seeing anything she could not get from my resume, she went where she had no business going BOTH personally and professionally. I found that a bold and highly rude move on her part, to name only two of a thousand adjectives for this behavior.

Perhaps since the initial computer-to-computer hookup we had hung up the phone with each other, she ASSumed I walked away and wasn't watching. Silly girl - and I use the term lightly.

Yo the so-n-so: You know who you are. How does it feel?

Huh! What'd you do? - Anon

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Go To My PC - 15+ exp (much more)

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Next time, tell them they are being recorded on video. Works for me. Report them, give date and time, names as well. It's also against the law.

I certainly hope you reported her. - NM

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