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What is with all of the bickering? - Long-time MT

Posted: Jul 28, 2010

A radiologist I have known for years asked me to check the reputation of a company his group was considering outsourcing their work on.  I came onto MTstars and did a search of the company in the archives, thinking to myself that I could at least give him an MT's view of the company.

What did I find?  Not a word about the company itself but MTs arguing back and forth about small details, typos, rebuttles, insults and the nastiness left me with a knot in my stomach.

I finally had to say to him on the phone:  Dr, I am sorry, but no one gives enough detail about the company to even say whether the MTs are happy there or not.  IDS was the company. 

I am hoping that the kind, gentle and ~professional~ MTs don't even bother to add posts to this forum anymore and that those who are typing up venonmous sentences are the ones who would be difficult to work with regardless of what is happening, but I was truly embarrassed by everyone's tone. 

Unless there is 1 person or possibly 2 - coming on here to start trouble - which is a real possibility - an Agent Provocateur - an agitator - I want you to know this:  If you were in the ocean, with a shark hanging onto what is left of your femur, the person you are personally attacking on this forum would probably pull you into their boat, saving your life. 

MTs who are bickering - Please consider staying off the board with your posts because if there was ever a time we need to have a place to come to network, it is NOW.


love - it!

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I looked up the archive thread you mentioned-- LOL! I loved it! Just reading the headings is like an Archie Bunker and Edith argument. It is just like a comedy routine. Isn't that what message boards are good for? Bickering, and the occasional piece of useful information?

your post does not make sense; the MTs had plenty to say. - n/m

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Sooo, agree. MTs desperately need this to be a - Poppy

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welcoming public square where we can come together to trade information of value to all of us. Especially in these anxious times. Many more will stay and talk if face-to-face manners prevail.

there are several posts about IDS - sm

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I don't know what exactly you did when searching, but a quick Google search found 2 posts here under IDS and several more under the full name of the company. And why didn't you go elsewhere to look up reviews? Why did you think this was the only site to do research on? You didn't do your job very well, honestly, and that doctor didn't get the info he wanted because you don't know how to do a basic Internet search. Coupled with your bossy attitude in trying to control who is allowed to post here, I'm afraid it's very hard to take you seriously.

obviously there is info you could have given him; so, this only - shows you are trolling.

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you think I'm trolling because I didn't do OP's job for them? - OK then - nm

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I couldn't agree more - anonymoose

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I think with these hard times upon us all a bit of encouragement by fellow MTs would be nice. I feel awful for the newer ones who come here to get some information about how to start and they get cut down.

These are horrible times we are living in and some positive support and feedback would be an nice welcome.

I do not remember that post you were talking about. When I see the bickering and nastyness I just try to stay clear from it. Not worth my time.

I am inclined to believe this poster may be invovled in ownership - of this company she posts about.

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clearly she is offended by the negative comments made about the company mentioned.

Wow. As soon as anyone says something positive... - content

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...on these boards, or:
1. Mentions they are happy with their company
2. Says they are happy with their job 3. Remarks they they make a decent wage on a decent platform...

...they are usually accused of being:
1. A liar
2. An MTSO
3. A "suit"
4. A recruiter

It has happened to me, many times.

I agree with the OP. Negativity and paranoia abound. The unhappy MTs seem to be the ones that flock to these boards.

Not me. I'm happy, I love my profession, I think my company treats me fairly, and I think the VR platform I work on is decent. No major complaints. I'm not management, an MTSO, a suit, a recruiter or a liar.

I so agree - newgrad

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Most of the time I avoid reading MT stars. Everything is so negative about everything, it just depresses me.

sharks - and all

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I don't think there's that much arguing, just sometimes someone happens to hit someone else's sore spot. And the bickering is not that serious. You read something, you react, 60 seconds later your reply is posted. Then it dies down again. And I would certainly try to save anyone that had a shark biting their femur. In fact, I'm going to start telling people that. They might think I was crazy though. "I know we are having a disagreement, and you might even be an agent provocateur sent from the CIA, but I just want you to know, if a shark was eating your leg, I would be the first one to try to save you."

MEOW!-most of us just venting! - old, frustrated MT

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Some days it is like a good ole cat fight on here. I think we are all just very frustrated and need to vent - unfortunately, sometimes it is at each other... We're just one big ole DYSFUNCTIONAL MT FAMILY! This is cheaper than therapy folks - so vent away..

Jerry - Springer?

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Hey, maybe a bunch of us can go on the Jerry Springer show! (Actually I hate that show.) But sometimes it looks a little bit like that. You know how that draws attention-- FIGHT! FIGHT!-- and everyone gets involved then. I feel a little bit embarrassed when I start following a flame thread, like it's the Jerry Springer voyeur effect at work!

Love it! MTS GONE WILD! - old, frustrated MT

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!!!!!!!!!!! I think we could have some of the CEOS from the big MTSOS on there too. What a hoot! LOL!!
LMAO!! - n/m
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RE: LONG TIME - mami

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Why would you come to an MT forum to research a company? Wouldn't it serve you better to actually RESEARCH THE COMPANY?

This forum is a "chat" area for MTs. We bicker, we argue, vent and disagree. As you can see.

Yeah, I'd actually re-think your "research"... â˜Âº

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