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MT to court reporter - worth doing?

Posted: Aug 10, 2011

Reading online earlier about 5 jobs where you can earn over $100K without a degree.  The last was court reporter and the 90th percentile earnings were $105K, median $57,200.  Not looking to even earn that much but would like to know if anyone knows what the training entails.  TIA

MT to court reporter - Orderinthecourt

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Before I became an MT, I was in court reporting school through an ROP program and it was great. I'm not sure how it has changed with new technology but it was literally like learning a new language. When I was learning, it was just the steno machine and then you had to scope or transcribe the paper yourself. Now they have software that does that I believe. You can figure on 4 years of school. The biggest challenge after learning the language is speed and accuracy. I switched to MT because at the time I had small children and didn't want to be away at night for 4 years going to school. Wish I had stuck with it. It was very interesting and I loved it.

MT to court reporter - fine print

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I read the same article today and at the bottom in small print of course, it says:

Methodology: Salary data provided by PayScale.com. Salaries listed are for experienced workers (at least five years of experience) and include any bonuses, commission or profit sharing. Median pay represents the national median; 90th percentile pay is a benchmark for the top earners: 10 percent of people will earn more, while 90 percent will earn less.

In other words a bunch of lies, again.

MT to court reporter - Cindy

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I went for a year to Court reporting school. I had already been an MT for probably 10 years at that time. The whole time I was in school all the rumors kept floating around that there were no jobs for court reporters. So with 2 small kids I finally quit not knowing if there would be a job availabe. That was in 1995. They had just started out with the new system that transcribes onto the computer. I was up to 75 words a minute when I quit. I always thought someday I would go back, but after watching it on TV I am glad I stuck with this. Get to stay home with the kids that is the main benefit of this job. But overall I am happy with the route I took, even though our pay is getting lower and lower and we don't know if there are going to be any jobs. The court reporting school I went to closed a few years after I was done and I really wondered if all those rumors of no jobs were true due to the closing.

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