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I'm just so frustrated, does anyone else ever have a problem with demographics or account specs and things such as that dropping your QA score? I mean, I don't feel I'm stupid, but sometimes I feel that way when I can't seem to get things right. I have been on a job for 3 months now and STILL make errors in the demographic screen, causing reports to go to the incorrect folder at the hospital. On my job, a demographic error is 3 points, so just in that error it can drop my QA score to 97 on that job. I don't really make any errors outside of that and I really do understand the importance, but we as MTs are asked to produce this "perfect" report, know every body system like the back of our hand, know grammar and punctuation better than an English professor and STILL we get nagged about not knowing a a facilities policy 100% as well? It is especially difficult because it may be different on different accounts and it is hard to keep up with all of that. I don't know why it would be so hard to just let us TYPE, let us make sure these medical records are perfect and the hospital could appoint someone to make sure the demographics or account numbers or whatever are correct and make sure they make it into the correct place. I mean, I have never step foot in this hospital, why does everything have to lie on my shoulders? Just a frustrating Saturday!