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Looking to buy Abacus SE - Diana

Posted: Mar 01, 2014

If anyone has this for sale, please let me know.  I hear it has been discontinued.  I have the free version and loved it.  

Thanks in advance!

A couple of years.Still have ur free version? - IMANMT2

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I've got mine. I had to scrounge around in a "dead" computer HD with an external hard drive reader to find an execute file I could install it with.

Never put anything you want/need to keep on your desktop (which is where I used to download and save and install from - not anymore) it is irrecoverable data after a crash. Desktop just disappears.

Yes, I still have the free version... - Diana

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Oh, that's bad! I download to the desktop, but always put things in another location after that. I was wanting the SE version so it would do invoicing.

I invoice with my temp version - IMANMT2

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you just can't count more than 5 files at a time, so you do it in batches.

click view batch then hit clear screen

then an empty box with view log and close, click close

and it puts you back to where you can count another five

at the end, after the last clear batch, you do view log and then choose create invoice.

I keep a running daily total and a productivity chart of each day of the month to keep me aware of how I'm doing and it also doubles as a check for the invoice. If the #s are off on the totals then I made a mistake somewhere, makes it easier to find.

I do love abacus. I was going to buy it to "get rid of the annoying lines in the invoice" and so I could count a big batch (the whole pay period) at once and their site said they were through just keep it.

But this might be what you are already doing and just want the convenience of a full version.

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