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Inconsistent QA - Rose

Posted: Jun 18, 2014

This is the first time I've worked for a company with multiple people doing QA.  You would think it would be as simple as following the client specs, using proper spelling, grammar, and accurately transforming a VR mess into an accurate medical record.  No matter what you do, you will be corrected for their differing impressions of what the client specs mean.  When you then change the way you do something to suit a particular QA person, another QA person corrects that!  It takes half an hour a day just to have to read all the company emails, including QA, making note of the 1% of QA that matters (something I actually did wrong).  When this stuff is so nitpicky that the QA department can't even agree on their own corrections.  My lines per hour have been cut in half having to stop and analyze every sentence and figure out whether that optional "is" should be left in or taken out, or that Oxford comma is preferred by the majority of QA personnel.  What percentage of these nitpicks would a doctor even care about?  Zero! 


Inconsistent QA - cr

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I honestly don't think these QA mark-offs are to help us improve, but rather, perhaps, to keep us tense and on edge as a means of belittling and thus controlling us. It doesn't make sense that they would hire very good transcriptionists, who provide them a good income, then nitpick us to death over minor issues unless it's to make us feel unworthy, and thus gladly accept their 4 cents per line pay, or to make us quit, which must be reaping them some benefit too.

That sounds a lot like another service I worked for - Snow Bunny (the original)

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Each QA had their own "perception" of things. Even though the supervisor told me, "Just worry about the important stuff" (i.e. meds, values), it irritated me to no end that one QA said "do it this way" and another QA said, "that's wrong, do it this way." Grrr!

In addition to CR's point above - Rose

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Good point about the belittling which does seem to be an MTSO method of operation trying to lower our self worth enough to be grateful for the measily wages. I think another importnat factor is QA trying to justify their positions.

perhaps you should have attached it to CR's post to keep - to keep things easier to follow. Just sayin. NM

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Sorry you had trouble following... - Rose
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We frequently answer more than one post with one comment.
sorry you don't know how to post. - this is how people take things wrong
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and get in arguments sometimes. Especially when some get rude and aim it at the wrong post/poster who then gets insulted and so on.
This is typical for her - Been pointed out before
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It isn't the first time.

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