A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I wonder what the fallout would be - if

Posted: Jan 05, 2013

If you notified the hospital(s) whose account you used to do that their MTSO has sent their dictation overseas.  I suspect that many of them do not know this is being done.

That is an EXCELLENT idea - sm

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The only reason that might not be a good idea, though, for an MT is if their contract prohibits them from contacting the client. It seems that is a common term in many MTSO contracts with their MTs. Otherwise, telling hospitals, doctors, etc, is probably the best way to get the ball rolling to change things as they are. There may not be lots of them, but I believe there ARE people at these hospitals who will not tolerate that an MTSO has violated a contract by offshoring.

Of course - one could do it

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anonymously or thru a third party. I believe that most US medical providers would object strongly to this practice had they knowledge of it.

Really, - Does one honestly think

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that if a hospital was contracting with Mmodal or Nuance they would have no clue their work was being off shored? This plan would only work if one were privy to the details of a transcription contract and then could actually prove the contract was being violated by the work being sent overseas. Apparently both companies still have at least a few Americans doing some of the work.

I don't think most of these hospitals give a flying fig if the work is being done by monkeys in China as long as it
meets the bare minimum of acceptability at rock bottom prices. After all, look at what they are hiring now to work IN the hospitals.
You may be correct - but my observation
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has been that most do not specify this in their contracts, which gives the MTSO carte blanche to do as they wish. I've also noticed that most people who are responsible for this documentation in HC organisations don't have a clue about line counts or any other part of transcription costs. They do, I agree, know all about their bottom line. I'm pretty sure that my organisation outsourced to a company that sent work overseas and then lied about it and when they were discovered, the contract was dropped.
If a client is being lied to, yes. But otherwise, - HonestlyThink is correct. In fact, in
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many, many cases the client has threatened to TAKE their work overseas if the MTSO can't cut prices further, and an agreement is made for the existing MTSO to subcontract it overseas.

BTW, offshoring is neither illegal nor immoral, and nor are offshore MTs automatically dishonest or incompetent. All that matters to most hospitals in these tight-budget days is the quality as it arrives back in the chart. And goodness knows they all have horror stories about what is too often produced in North America by American and Canadian MTs.

Short form: Don't be surprised if all involved already know (they do) and are just fine with it.
Offshoring IS illegal in some cases - sm
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Many states now have offshoring legislation which prohibits state contract work from being performed outside the US.
Umhm. Breathing is illegal in an official - no-breathing zone. :) nm
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and somehow get them documentation of it or - they will not pay attention. sm

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something with both company names included. just to avoid it being taken as gossip or disgruntled employee, or any other lie that gets put out there.

You could contact them after you quit/are fired. - They cant control you, then! nm

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and then its blown off as just a disgruntled employee - trying to start trouble, a joke. NM

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Why not submit an article to the local newspaper - me

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Most of them have an "opinions" column or a "People's column" - I used to write to ours all the time on illegal immigration. I'm sure the outsourcing of our health care info would be just as important - especially with the Precyse debacle.

do you seriously - think

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that this huge corporations would be so stupid? I've negotiated large hospital contracts and if the hospital is truly against sending work offshore, their legal department sees it gets put into the contract. Most don't do that. They don't care. They care about the bottom line.

These large MTSOs are not going to risk their business by trying to get one over on their client. How long do you think they'd stay in business in that instance?

And you might want to make sure YOUR contract doesn't prohibit you from contacting the MTSOs client.

I get so many of you are grasping at straws but you do a huge disservice to yourselves by thinking no offshore work would change your life.

have to agree totally. technology killing radiology, not overseas n/m - mtohio

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I wonder what the fallout would be - greyhoundmom

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I just wonder what the CEO or the legal department of a hospital would do if they were sent transcription that is done overseas (before the editing by the US people and see all the mistakes that are made. I really don't think they have the entire picture. Just saying it is done overseas and then seeing the actual reports would make a difference. It's too bad someone can't do that anonymously. I worked in a hospital for 27 years (not transcription), and I know the CEO would not be a happy camper. You can bet they would get rid of whoever the contract was awarded to. It would be interesting to see the copy of a contract for medical transcription.

It's the hospital ins. co. that will put a stop to it - after that lawsuit - n/m

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