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How Should The Work Be Divided Up? - st

Posted: Oct 19, 2011

So I waited a few hours for work today, was only working for about 1 hour when I was told to stop working and take the rest of the day off because the workload was slow.  I responded that I was in the beginning of a report but was told to stop anyway.  Curious as to why I should stop, after waiting for so long to get the work, I asked.  After all, I'm in training, new to the MT world, and taking it all in stride.  Or so I thought...

"We want to leave the jobs for the people on production rather than the ones that are hourly."  Oh.  Um.  Well that means that I lose money today too.  As a newbie, I'm paid minimum wage.  But I have to work the hours to get it.  How did they deduce that I don't need a full day of work today and someone else does? 

And if there is a practical reason for this, is this how it should be conveyed:  "Due to low volume, we all get a treat and get to leave early today."  It is not a treat to have no work, 3 hours pay for the day, and feelings of dismay over the lack of professionalism and fairness.

Couldn't they have at least let me finish the report I started?  The "get out of there fast 'cause someone else needs the money more than you do attitude" was unbelievable.  I need the money.  That is why I went to work today.







Usually production is asked to stop to ensure work for - employees, not the other way around. nm

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Are you FT employee? - JS

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If you are a full-time hourly employee and you are required to log in and out on a set schedule, you should be getting paid regardless of whether or not your company is providing work and whether or not you are new. Hourly employees are paid for their TIME... not how much they produce. MTSOs didn't start paying MTs on production because they like us... they did it so they didn't have to pay low-producing MTs an hourly rate and wind up losing money on it.

Think about it... it would be like hiring a receptionist 8 hours a day, making them show up and ready to work, and then not paying them because the phone never rang.

You need to contact the Department of Labor in your state. You will probably qualify for partial unemployment for the time your company forced you to log out and whenever they decide to try the same thing again in the future.

However, if you are an IC, many companies will instruct ICs to log out in order to provide work to their FT employees in cases of low volume. It's not unusual.

part-time - st

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I have a work commitment of 30 hours/week

I would try calling DOL anyway - JS

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I'm not sure whether or not they would be able to help you, but it's worth a shot.

I hate hearing how companies do this to people. You are losing money/pay through no fault of your own. If you dedicate your time and show up for work, even if that means going to a home office and logging on, you should get paid if you're an employee... ESPECIALLY if you're an hourly employee.

Good luck to you. In the meantime, keep your eyes open for a diffrent company. I know it's hard when you're new to the field, but keep looking, and don't limit yourself to remote work with MTSOs. There could be in-house opportunities available that you could actually make money doing. Take care.

What company? Waited for work all day yesterday. sm - frustrated

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Something's going on with the company I work for. They don't have any work for the old employees, let alone the new ones. No answers for anyone, other than a load of BS.

How work should be divided up - Old Pro

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I feel your pain, I really do. I have been there, done that. However, you really need to be having this conversation with your supervisor or boss. The most effective way to handle complaints is to take them to someone who has the power to do something about it. It's fine to vent here, but you need to confront your supervisor. And yes, when work is low, it usually goes to employees before ICs.

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