A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Encouragement - Kimbelina

Posted: Nov 12, 2009

First of all I have to say that the replies I received from my first post were very disheartening. Honestly I don't feel that your words were coming from a helping nature but rather from a selfish one by pushing others, trying to excel in this business, out of the way because you've been there and don't feel it has a need for new MT's.  Sorry your wrong! This is a growing industry and I feel sad for you that you've been working it so long that you are bitter. Don't do it any longer if that is the case and give others a chance instead of putting them down or trying to fill them with discouraging information which may only be your perception on things. I attend a very reputable school for transcription and I don't believe they would continue this degree program if the industry were not doing well. So thank you all for the unhelpful information. Hopefully a kind and generous MT will come along and give me some information that would benefit my direction.  Good Luck To You All, Kimberly

Listen carefully. - truffle

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The school will continue the MT program regardless of whether there is a need for new MTs, because as long as students sign up, the school is making money. This field is not growing. It is getting harder and harder for even extremely experienced and qualified MTs to make a good living. If you have been sold a bill of goods, the sooner you accept that the better. Your school is making a profit from your tuition; it is that simple. They have no qualms about pushing their program because you and others like you will be long graduated before you realize that the odds of landing a really good job are slim to none. The MTs here are not trying to be unkind to you or to discourage you. They are trying to help you and let you know the truth so you can better plan your life. You should be thankful really.

good response, truffle. - nm

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KIMBELINA -Truffle makes good points, as do others. - Fingers

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Do not discount all opinions here, even if they are negative. It is not against you personally and has nothing to do with your abilities. These opinions are coming from experience, so think about all of them and know what you are getting into before you invest any more time or money into this profession. You seem to be a well educated person with different options. This one sounds nice, but in reality it probably has many more problems than other options you could choose.

I am in a Golden Handcuff situation. Too late for me to start a new profession making the money I make now. Yes, I have a wonderful good paying job - AT THIS MOMENT. Everyone on here knows, this is not stable employment. I could lose my account tomorrow due to the client moving their work to a different service or the service sending the work offshore. I have read that MTs change accounts on average every 18 months (I don't really believe that figure though). Companies will overhire and have their employees sit with no work for days at a time. You can make good money for 6 months and then dirt pay for 6 months or more.

If you do decide to continue your pursuit into this profession, my advice to you would be to study the BOS you e mailed me about. I wrote back on the other Board. Also, take whatever job you can to obtain some "experience." When you can move on, go to a company that hires U.S. MTs only and does not offshore.

You CAN do this job, but you may not actually want to. It is going to be tough and will take a very long time before you can actually make good money. Just know the pro's and con's. If you are able to land a job and you wish to continue, let us all know. There are several MTs on here who will mentor you and help you, just come back and ask. Best of luck to you.

Very True - Wendy

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I accidentally stumbled into this business (long story). I have been doing it for almost 3 years and still having a rough time financially (the 1st year I only made $9,000 working full time and not doing much better yet), and I get exhausted!

If you have tons of medical knowledge to start with, it will help, but there are many factors involved in this profession that will determine the money you make. From what I can see, making good money is gettiing fairly rare these days.

As far as schools, they are worried about THEIR profit ... not yours. In my area, a couple of schools kept pushing massage therapy until there were so many more trained therapists than will ever be able to make a living here. I used to cringe at their commercials. You would think they would have some sort of conscience, wouldn't you?

In a nutshell, if a good friend asked my opionion about getting into this field, I would lay it all out for her, and I'm pretty sure she would decide against it.

I love it! - Elizabeth

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The "Golden Handcuff," career.

Very well put!

And yes, the rookie CAN do the job, anyone CAN do it. The question is WHY? Why work 35% of your day for free, and be frustrated when she can redirect her ability to something more fruitful and lucrative?

Good Attitude!! - onemore

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I was in your shoes once upon a time. I did not go to school to be a medical transcriptionist. I was fortunate to be hired by a doctor's office, who trained me. I also was in the medical field for about 10 years prior. From there, the first few years, I lost accounts and was told I was not good enough. I didn't listen and kept applying and kept going. I feel that being medical transcriptionist, you are never quite trained. There is so much more to learn, regardless of going to school or not. You have your highs and you have your lows. If you are ambitious enough, you will make it. Don't settle for less and good luck!

Psss, two weeks ago I lost a BIG money making account and got a crappy VR editing account. I have spent many hours applying and testing, and as of today, I have been hired by four companies. :) Obviously I can't do all four, plus my VR editing. In addition to this, I also received replies that my scores were not to their standards. You win some and you lose some!

I do not believe I responded to your first post - Answers

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but I just contacted a so called Christian school just about 2 weeks ago to take them to task about what they were posting on the internet trying to get new people in to train in this field. They said you could type 35 wpm and that should give you around 300 lph. I chatted back and forth with this so called Christian school. They told me it was a typo, yeh, right do not believe that at all but other things that are lead ons for people who think this job is all that. I have been in a long time and only doing now because I want to continue using my brain and not letting it go to seed; however the people who posted back to you are only telling it like it is. I had an excellent job and income, years ago. Now I make 8 cents a line for straight and 4 cents a line for voice recognition. We never get raises and this is not a job you want to be in to raise a family with. You will not make enough money and that is the bottom line here. People who are really using their noggins are headed back to school to learn something they can excel at. It is extremely hard to get into a job because people want 2 years of transcription experience, graduating from a transcription school is usually not sufficient and what kind of degree, from a transcription school? Most all schools are churning out students as fast as they can, bottom line for them the money. If you think the schools really care, read some of the new MTs section on here, promised followups when they got out and nothing. I went from $60,000 in the 1980s, 40s in the 90s and now 20s in the 2000s. The pay is falling, the morale is extremely low and it does not get any better. We have so many non English speaking dictators now and we have to hold up to 98% accuracy and oh, I forgot, all kind of work is being sent overseas. So, you see dearie, you have gotten in on the tail end of what USED to be a very good profession. Have at it, no sweat off my brow and others here but they are telling you what they know, experience counts for a lot and they have it.

I take that back, I did answer and gave some information but - Answers

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apparently you decided not to use it as in you statement "sorry your wrong" should be "sorry you're wrong." Better get to the dictionary and study, study. English 101.

newbie - mt

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I read the responses from your previous post. They seemed pretty much spot on. If you want encouragement, go ahead and start testing for some jobs. Most companies require that you transcribe about 5 or so reports. From the responses you receive, you will see what you need to work on. It will also give you some practice.

I think the negative posts are probably coming from newer MTs rather than us oldies but goodies. Many of us are still able to make MTing work for us, still able to make good money at it. We know what the client wants, know what the MTSO expects and we can produce. Good luck in your search!

Honey, golden oldie here, have done this for - Answers

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almost 40 years now, so definitely not a newbie. My salary, I wish, were still the $60,000 that I made in the 80s but anyone who has done this for awhile knows what the picture is and it is definitely not sunshine and roses. I can produce but my pay has gone down instead of up.

her reply about newbie was to Kimbelina, not you, Answers. - nm

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I think she said "us" as in golden oldies, but thanks anyway - Answers
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golden oldie - mt

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I don't think any of the newbies plan on making what we were used to making. There was a post last week of someone leaving MT to work at a job making $11/hr and being ecstatic. This is what I am comparing my salary with as a seasoned MT. I'm still making between $40,000 and $50,000 working 30 hours a week and I think that's pretty good. IMO, there is no use getting depressed over what used to be 20 years ago. Those days are gone forever.
Oh, I am bringing in much more than I make here - Answers
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about $55,000 a year now but only $24,000 and a little over in transcription. Am not depressed at all in what I get in as well over $4000 a month and that ain't bad! From reading some of the new MTsites I just read on 1 of the newbie sites about a week or so ago about how she was told would be making $$$$$.

Shame...shame...shame on you - Unreal

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Shame on the negative posts! I doubt any one of these negative posts would be here if they had to state their REAL NAME!

Kimbelina, it seems you are determined to do transcription and you will get that first job! Do not let rude people who hide behind an alias tell you anything! Would they talk like this to their children, grandchildren or nieces?

How silly. - truffle

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I'm not hiding behind an alias. What good would it do to post my name, anyway? You still don't know me. Silliness.

Here is what I would tell my 16-year-old daughter: Ten years ago I thought maybe I could teach you transcription and you would be able to stay home with your children. I've really been blessed to have had that. Things are so different now that it's probably not a good idea. I would also tell my daughter, Honey, spelling and grammar are not your strong suit and you are not detail oriented. This job is not for you.

Does that mean I am cruel, or that I am realistic? I would tell my daughter the truth. Just like I am telling the OP the truth. You can't trust your school. They are making a profit from your tuition.

Why can't the OP just say thanks for your honesty instead of acting like it is a personal attack on her abilities. It's nothing personal - just experienced people telling her what her school will not tell her - that MT wages are dropping and that the likelihood of getting her foot in the door is small - not impossible, but small. Be prepared for a struggle.

Dear Truffle..... - me again

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"I'm not hiding behind an alias. What good would it do to post my name, anyway? You still don't know me."
Truffle, if you had to post your name we could see that this is not the first time you have posted a comment like this before.

Also, "I would also tell my daughter, Honey, spelling and grammar are not your strong suit and you are not detail oriented. This job is not for you."
Truffle, how do you know that spelling and grammer are not her strong suit? You could gather all that information from several posts? Why would you even refer to that if you were not the one who posted her misspelling in the previous post? People are human and make mistakes. Go back to your work that you obviously dislike with low pay and leave her alone. Type your medical reports not posts to someone who is trying to get a job in this field.
no, no, no - truffle
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You missed my point! I don't know anything about the OPs spelling and grammar skills - I was talking about what I would tell my own daughter. (The post before my reply asked what those who were discouraging the OP might say to their family, so I shared that.) I, Truffle, did not correct anything in the OPs post. That was someone else.

Finally, I LOVE transcription and I'm making very good money at it. But I have been doing this for 20 years and that has me positioned much better than the OP, not yet trained and with no experience, to succeed in today's MT market.

Again, I'm just trying to be honest. It is naive for the OP not to see that the school will keep taking tuition money from anybody who wants to learn MT, even if there are no jobs available on the other end of their education. The schools are going to ride it out until nobody signs up anymore.

I wish the OP much success, not heartache! She needs to go into this with her eyes wide open. Listen to those who know how things are changing.
To Truffle: Don't argue with this person... she is anal retentive. - About like arguing with a Democrat.
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Some people won't listen no matter how well based your argument is in fact. I've been doing this 15 years and now can't find a job. It's not even easy for the seasoned MTs to get their foot in the door anymore. India calling?

It is something else to warn her that the future of this profession - omg

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does not look good, actually who knows? but to criticize her language skills and 'degree' - she meant certificate - and all these nasty remarks and discouragement is something else!

The advice you would give to your daughter is also rather pathetic. You do as if she would not be able to 'learn' correct grammar and spelling, as if it were a superior talent. It is grammar and spelling, it is not rocket science.

I think that some of these 'old, experienced' MTs have a somewhat swelled head.

it's not hiding behind an alias - Snow Bunny

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It's exercising the right to free speech without being turned into mincemeat by loose cannons in la-la land who start emailing you.

And as far as "would they talk like this to their children, grandchildren, or nieces?," yeah, I think they would if the issue called for it. If you discovered your teenage daughter was in a gang, would you just pat her gently on the hand and say, "Oh sweetie! Mommy love you and she don't want to see anything bad happen to you. Mwah!" --- Not me. I'd push for a court order to have my kid work in the morgue for a week.

Don't confuse what you perceive as "rudeness" with Tough Love.

"tough love" can have disastrous effects! Not every child can tolerate it internalize it s - omg

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Shame on you UNREAL - Elizabeth

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I can almost smell your breed - you are a company plant to this forum, stalking the posts to recruit the unsuspecting new transcriptionists . . . as the older MTs jump ship.

Of course you want to counter the TRUTH with your fabricated rhetoric. Go ahead, fill her head with promises of a wine filled golden goblet, in the end she will come to realize all transcription ever gave her was water in a paper cup. PFFTTT!

You are unreal. How funny!

I used my REAL name, oddly, you pointed the finger, and notably you DID NOT use yours.

Kimberly, me, myself, and I are all posting. - ...

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Look at the number of views for job listings. - 23 years

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When there are 400 to over 2000 views, you have to consider that these are MTs looking for jobs or better jobs. There was a time not that long about when new jobs listed were 5-10 daily, now there are 2-3 jobs a day put up. The resumes sent to the companies are so numerous that it takes days to go through them.

Supply and demand - Too many MTs available for a job means the rate of pay lessens.

I keep reading that there is a shortage of MTs but this in itself (400 to 2000 views for a posted job) speaks volumes.

No shortage of MTs anymore... the folks who lost their jobs - in other professions and could type...

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or edit have taken these jobs to keep food on the table. You can't blame them. Most of the VR today can be done by people who have medical terminology training but don't have to type too much. Just the way techology "really helps us out!" I pray for the newbies here who want to make a living at this. I believe it will get worse when the doctors start retiring in droves after health care is enacted into law.

I disagree completely with No shortage of MTs - mt

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One cannot just sit down and do this job, whether MT or VR. I've had VR that has needed to be completely deleted and redone. How can someone with no experience do that? You should know this being an MT for 23 years. You really shouldn't trivialize this profession.

My goodness to your posting - L

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You have to have an excellent background even for VR. I do both, straight and VR and if you are not able to edit at the speed of sound, forget making any money at 4 cpl. To say just donât have to type much, hmmm, might be but you better sure darn know what the dictator is saying/meaning/muttering/ flubbing it up at speeds that sound like a bunch of chipmunks.

I love how seriously you take your profession of 23 years. - sm

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I'm glad you don't work on my family's reports with that poopy attitude.

read all posts on New MTs board. - N/M

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and attending Harvard Law School - Snow Bunny

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is not guarantee that you'll find work as an attorney.

People you perceive as "bitter" are the by-product of years and years of watching an industry they love be broken apart piece by piece from many directions. It didn't happen overnight. These are dedicated professionals who once thrived in a growing industry and now have to work 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet. And they can bring a lot more "to the table" than a graduate from a "reputable school."

As the expression goes, reality bites. And the fact that you don't like and/or agree with what's been written doesn't make is untrue. You're young, ambitious, but still have a Polyanna attitude. Please come back in 3 years and tell us how you're doing.

And one more thing. You wrote, "Sorry your wrong!" --- The correct statement is "Sorry you're wrong!" (you're = your are)

Good Luck To You!

snow great post!!! - Mt55

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I have seen posts on here from people trying to find a job in this field; however, they post like thy would be texting on a cell phone; i.e. R U hiring? I got lamblasted for a recent post when someome asked what H&H was -- I like a LOT of these "veterans" wonder about what is being taught in our schools for "ENGLISH" right now, it's kind of like math and the kid has a super duper calucator, but does not understand algebra, geometry and so forth. We have people getting into this field with "promises" and it has to end.

I am 54, have partial CP so not the "fastest typist on either cost" but I take pride in my work -- frankly, I am tired of these MTs who want to find jobs; however, "I don't want to work weekends, how come I didn't get a bonus for whatever holiday?" to the point where I am ill -- right now, I could amputate my arms from the elbows down.

What "newbies" don't seem to understand is that you can be a TOP grad -- however a LOT of them have basic or limited computer knowledge and to get a decent job, you have to know your computer, how it operates PERIOD.

I mentored a friend, while working full time and having to correct their work, while I was trying to make a paycheck drove me to near insnity -- the friend decided that they liked MT -- went to school and is now working for the Q been there 2 years, but lacks the confidence to leave -- sorry for this being long but it IS the bottom line

sm - enough is enough

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You spelled insanity wrong! How come nobody is posting negatively about that and telling you do not have what it takes especially after all those years you have under your belt! If you are going to critique someone check your work first or do not post. That seems to be the problem here in almost all of these cases.
enough is enough - MT55
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Oh gee are you the police? I just put in a long day and made $250 for that day to boot instead of being critical and lurking on the boards and complaining
Man, it sounds like you snagged lightning and - bumped thunder
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No call for this kind of word police here. Keep the reports error free, but give these people here some slack. Sounds like another anal retentive person.

from one "old timer" to another - Snow Bunny

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Iâve come face to face with those kids who used super duper calculators in elementary school, and theyâre completely lost if the cash register canât tell them how much change to give.

As far as the schools go, I donât believe that what theyâre âpromisingâ is wrong. âYou can make up to $50,000 a year, working at home (with kids).â That *IS* the truth. The problem lies not with the school but with the reader, who skips over âup toâ and only sees â$50,000.â And when they donât make more than $12,000 a year after they graduate theyâre upset. Why? Isn't $12,000 UP TO $50,000? No deceptive advertising there.

To your fellow MTs, like myself, we feel your frustration (and pain, in some cases). I know you would love to muster all the strength you have and slap some sense into some of the new MTs out there for their idealism. Sorry, kids, but that type of idealism went out with Flower Power.

With new people entering the industry, the words to the Simon & Garfunkel song come to mind: âA man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.â All you can be honest and forthright, and hope for the best. But we both know that many will end up with their tail between their legs, so to speak. Hopefully, theyâre have the courage to say, âOkay, I was wrong.â

And that includes your friend ... the Q, of all places! :}
Snow - your post - MT55
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Loved the fact that your brought Simon and Garfunel up -- had second row seats in Vegas when I lived there plus got to go back stage -- man I was dating at time paid $500 each for fou8r tickets and it was soooo wonderful :)

What the schools don't tell you about the business: - see message

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When they throw these numbers at you, like $40,000 to $60,000 a year is possible, they're figuring that simply by a presumed average typing speed, and a presumed cents-per-line wage. Following these statements, they neglect to post an asterisk (*) and the words "Your results may vary". Because boy, do they.

Even if you're an accurate, 80-90 wpm typist, you know your specialties inside and out, and you're making top at-home wages (which for an employee currently is about 7.5 to 9 cpl), there are a lot of variables that all the "Rah-Rah School of Medical Transcription" most likely didn't tell you would occur:

* The dictations will likely not be anywhere near as good as you were practicing on in school. There will be not only ESL dictators, (which you probably are already aware of), but there will be those who dictate on their cellphones in the subway, or in the midst of a loud party or screaming kids. And then there is recording quality. The MTSO may have state-of-the-art transcription equipment and software, but many hospitals are still limping along on outdated equipment that buzzes, hisses, crackles, or cuts of words/sentences/paragraphs.

* Your volume/speed buttons may or may not work. For me, this varies daily. Sometimes I can control it, other times I'm stuck with however the dictation comes in: Too loud, too soft, too fast, or too slow.

* Right about the time you're dialed in to your assigned account, and starting to pick up speed and make more money, you'll be switched to one where you have to start all over again getting used to all the different doctors, different way of saying things, and different demographic details (ie, "cr@p"). And when you get good at that one, it too will be taken away. And so on and so on.

* Forget about overtime. Not only is it rarely offered, but when it is, they often have a funny little habit of denying it was okayed after you already worked it.

* Other times, work will slow to a trickle, and since you're not paid by the hour, your paycheck amount will plummet.

* It never fails: If you really put your nose to the grindstone for a day or two, and produce a high line count that you hope will put you a little ahead at your next paycheck, forget it. What will invariably happen, is the next few days after your high production, workloads may dwindle, you'll get stuck with lousy dictators that you can't make good lines on, the system at the MTSO will crash, or else your own computer will crash, or else your internet service provider will be down for a day. Or the power will go out in your neighborhood. At my old, hourly job, we could all sit there in the dark and twiddle our thumbs, and if our butts were still warming our chairs, our salaries were still being paid. No such luck when you work at home, paid on production. But you can pretty much that the harder you work, the behinder you will get.

* QA editors will drive you nuts with their incessant daily trivia & minutia rule-changes. One day, you go by the BOS. The next, they've changed their minds and you don't.

* The MTSO's software will be difficult to make good line counts on, because (when it works at all) it will be top-heavy with demographics to wade through and fill in, because of course the doctor or PA will have keyed it in all wrong. Reference material on their website will most likely be slow to load, incorrect, or completely inaccessible at times.

* You think you'll be working an 8-hour day. You can forget that, too. Your MTSO will most likely still want to receive the number of hours you work in a day along with your line count, but therein lies the catch-22: Your daily line count minimum will most likely not be attainable (because of all the problems listed above) in an 8-hour shift. You'll probably have to put in 10-12 hours on it, especially if you want to make a little extra money, but you won't get paid for any overtime you work, because on paper, it doesn't exist.

* As the years pass (if you decide to stay in this field), the more experience you have, the more you will be underpaid, because merit raises and cost-of-living raises are now almost virtually unheard of. So the better you are, the less-wonderful that 7.5 cpl will be. So, you decide to change jobs. But then, as an experienced transcriptionist with 10-15 or more years under your belt, you'll find that most employers won't want to hire you. They will go for the fresh-out-of-school employees, rather than the seasoned ones, for several reasons:

1 - They're younger and so they don't remember how MT was back in the days when it was a decent job. Having never worked in MT (or maybe anywhere) before, they'll think 7.5 to 9 cpl is great. Well, maybe it is, if you still live with mom and dad, rent-free.

2 - They'll consider you "harder to train", as you'll have all these old bad habits to break. Like slowing down enough to get it right the first time. Or like listening to the client and wanting to do the report correctly, not dumbed-down to match all the other work, much of which comes from India. You sure as heck don't want to outshine their precious Indian workforce!

3 - They'll assume that since you're experienced, reliable, intelligent, seasoned, and versatile at MT, that you'll want more money. And they certainly don't want that!

The MT schools will keep cranking out new MTs because (a) they want to make money, and (b) because many MTSOs are bypassing the seasoned MTs for the newbies because in some ways they're a lot like the Indians they love so much: They work cheap.
Excellent post, you told it like it is. NM - Lynn
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woo hhoo excellenh!!! - MT55
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forgot to add the bifocals and/or trifocals from typing on a computer screen all day, along with headaches from lack of sleep/eye strain and joint aches and pains because it is 10-12 hours a day to make a "decent wage"
please tell me - Snow Bunny
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what school, anywhere in this country, that will give you the graphic details of the negative aspects. How many "eager young minds" entering medical school, hoping to become pediatricians, are taken step by step through the autopsy of a young child who was brutally and viciously murdered. Don't you think that the ones who are learning to become Ob/Gyn doctors should be required to watching suction abortion. That should really sit well with anti-abortionists. (need I go on?)

It was said in an earlier message that the schools are out to make money. That's business. And I don't think you're going to find many businesses who are 100% TOTALLY HONEST. Not when it interferes with the bottom line - making a buck.

X-mas is around the corner. I recommend "Miracle on 34th Street."
Shocking revelations - Alice
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I gotta tell you, schools are not the only ones in the medical business who lie. You're absolutely right, it's ALL about the BOTTOM LINE.

Long story short, this is why I quit working as a registered nurse. It's my opinion, based on my own life and my own observations in several hospitals and nursing homes, that the medical industry lies, lies about medications and treatments are at the top of the list, IMHO..

Polyanna Attitude - Kimbelina

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I'm 40 years old with alot of acute care experience and will have a college Associates in Science in Medical Transcription Degree. Yes I'm ambitious. Thank you.

Good luck!!! - anon

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A poster above said your resume from Kaplan did not - L

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count for much. So what is a college associates in science in medical transcription degree? Acute care experience does not count when it comes to experience in medical transcription, the actual work.

You need to be tough in this field - LK

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Tough, and really, really good at what you do. If so, and you are persistent, you will get your foot in the door somewhere. It may take a while, and you may be working for peanuts for a while, but you can succeed.

I believe most of the posters here are just trying to be honest. It might be in your best interest to listen to what they have to say.

If you can handle a little more honesty, if I were a prospective employer, I would be a little concerned about your English usage skills from what I've seen in your posts. There's an error in usage in the above post, too. You need to have EXCEPTIONAL English language skills to succeed as an MT. I'm not talking about typos, by the way. But it would be a good idea not to have any of those either if you're on this board exposing yourself to other MTs (and possibly potential employers). We're trained to spot them, after all.
LK - nnn
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Your post addresses only straight transcribing, not VR.
Also, what are you talking about EXCEPTIONAL English language skill, when the account is verbatim! One just HAS to type what is dictated.
I think you refer to punctuation.
What really p****s me off is that the old MTs think they are the only ones who can master this profession and THIS IS NOT SO.
I made it in this profession and I do not have 30 years experience.
This profession is not 'reserved' only for old MTs, nobody knows WHAT THE FUTURE WIL BRING.
From an "old" MTer I can tell you what it has brought - over the years and that is
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the lack of raises, the outsourcing of jobs to other countries to pay the people less, the pay constantly going down instead of going up. I know those things for a fact. Now what do these old transcriptionists not know what has been brought to us already?
English skills - LK
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No,my post does not address only straight typing. VR, verbatim, whatever, you need to know usage rules, and it's not just punctuation by a long shot. The OP in the post I was referring to used "alot." There is no such word; it should be "a lot."

And I am not by any means an old MT. I've been doing this for less than 5 years and have been very successful at it. New MTs can and do master this profession if they have the necessary skills and training.
I have a question for you and that is if a person dictating - uses was and should be were
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do you leave it like it is or would you change being as the acct is verbatim?
Trying to be 'superior, but only OLD?'...sm - omg
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Blatant errors in VR MUST be corrected, everybody knows this rule!
(Sigh)... You have SO MUCH to learn. - n/m
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Be specific! About what? About being nasty and condescending..sm - whatever
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to newbies?
I am not a newbie, so be specific, not just throwing words around and insulting MTs with strong grammar and spelling skills.

I am still waiting for the LIST with ALL my grammar mistakes fom this MT OBSERVER.

Where is she, and where is the LIST?

OLD, swelled-headed MTs, pfffeeewww!
That, and pretty much everything else, as well. - nm
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nm, you have no time left to learn something new anymore,...sm - who cares
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you have only to wait to fall into your grave! I have enough of your jealous, envious and poisonous remarks.
LOL! I'm a long way from that, I assure you! Think - and do whatever you like. You will -sm
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undoubtedly be an excellent MT. You're exactly what the employers are looking for: A "degree" in MT "science", young and naiive, and you've set your pay standards nice and low. What more could any penny-pinching MTSO ask for?

I apologize for suggesting that you find another line of work, and will revise my original advice. Instead, I say to you, "Jump right in and enjoy your new career!"

Best of luck to you,

Older-But-Wiser MT

PS: I may be __-something yrs. old, but I pretty much still live the life of a 25-year-old, without the drama. I'm in better shape than most of my 25-30 yr. old friends,too. "Old" is only a number, baby!
wow, that's really - ugly talk
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The post said you only have to type what is said - this is a fair enough question
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And why do you have to be old to ask a question here? They said just type what you hear.
OMG - everybody knows that BLATANT erros have - omg
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to be corrected, in MT and VR, even if verbatim. Do I even have to mention this, therefore it is called EDITING !

Am I talking here to OLD VR-NEWBIES?
Erros - are you talking about errors (mistakes) or - Eros (god of love)? LOL
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Verbatim - LK
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You give the client what they want. I used to work on an account that was verbatim except for grammatical errors. We fixed those; everything else was as it came out of their mouths. If they want it strict verbatim, that's what they get, grammatical errors and all. They are paying for the report, and they should get want they ask for. If they want errors in their reports, so be it.
right, my account is strict verbatim, cannot fix grammar errors. - nm
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So what is the point you're making? nm - LK
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No, I HAVE to fix grammar, spelling, punctuation and medication erros.... - no
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but not syntax or if a sentence does not make any sense, this I am not allowed to fix, this results in a deduction in my score, as well if I miss to correct a blatant error.
these posts - anon
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Number one, we are all tired and most of the time FRUSTRATED when we come on this board, so the "typos" are going to happen.

Point two is just because you are a graduate of "Kaplan University" or WHATEVER does NOT make it a "LEGITIMATE" UNIVERSITY -- COLLEGE, or whatever -- I worked for Northern Illinois University for MANY years as a secretary and learned MT on the job due to my mother dying -- I then found a job working at home, but having the backgrond that I did, it wasn't hard -- thank heavens as a child, I had teachers that taught me how to look things up in the LIBRARY of all places -- that is a skill that is now sadly lacking -- just because some school has "university" behind it does not mean it is LEGIT -- do your homework!!!

"Alot" isn't a word, dear. - The Rolling Eyeball

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Guess how many MTSOs will give you a decent wage (or a job, for that matter) because you have an 'Associates in Science in Medical Transcription Degree.'

Go on. Guess.

You (and perhaps your proud parents) will be about the only ones who give a rodent's patoot about that degree. (And so will SallieMae when you start to pay back the $30K you just shelled out for a job that's going to start you out at minimum wage.)

MTSOs want quality, speed, and E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E.

I have YET to see a SINGLE ad on any job-listing site for MTs where a degree OF ANY TYPE is mentioned.

An MT "degree"? Someone sure saw HER coming, - and took advantage, didnt they! nm
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Hi, Kimbelina - new

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Talk about a helpful forum. The only valid negative comment is that it will be difficult to find that 1st job.

Please disregard all other negative and discouraging comments from old MTs: Their criticizing of your typos - it is always said that this is a forum and it is not grammar and spelling policed, obviously not - the remarks about your syntax, semantics and God knows what...
You were not taking a test and what gives them the right to 'QA and grade you.' You were just asking for some advice and guidance.

The fact is that you have a solid background education and attended a good MT school - Kaplan - what qualifies you very well for MTing.

When taking your pre-employment tests, take your time, proofread them very carefully and you should do well.

Don't you regret having asked your question on this board?
Better not to ask, these old, 'experienced' MTs surely made you feel miserable.
You go, girl! Good luck!
Encouraging words - Kimbelina
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Thank you for your kind words. I do not believe this will be easy at all. I know I have to fine tune my skills even with my experience and schooling, and that's what i've planned to do all along. I will be studying for the RMT exam with AHDI, as well. So I know it's not going to be easy. As for being corrected on a few words that doesn't bother me my teachers do that as well. Thank you for the critiquing of my spelling, that just helped me out. I just wanted a little friendly advice and I was bombarded with negativity. I will keep on working hard in the MT field.

God Bless,

You must have went to the same school as the - MTobserver
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original poster. Ironic how similar your grammar is to hers, or is you are talking to yourself? LOL - MT will cause you to do that at times though.
"must have WENT"??? And you're calling out HER grammar? rop - anon
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proper grammar is "must have gone".
oh yeah - mt
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That's a pet peeve of mine. I had put "the patient had undergone" in a report. For some reason the report went to QA and QA changed it to "the patient had underwent". So many people use these incorrectly and will swear up and down that "had/have went" is correct. It's 3rd grade grammar for crying out loud.
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TO MT OBSERVER......sm - "new"
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You with your horrible grammar - "went" instead of "gone" - blaming it all on the scapegoat QA who gave you a phobia toward 'gone,' ridiculous statement, how dare you criticizing my grammar????

I demand from you that you point out to me my grammar mistakes inmy post 'Hi, Kimbelina,' point by point, IN CASE you find one!

Apologize to me, you insulted me, injustified!

You are the perfect example why old MTs should yield this profession to young MTs:

Jealous, envious, stuck in their old ways, usually not up-to-date with modern technology, etc......

Hey, MT Observer...sm - new - old
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I am still waiting for the 'long' list of my mistakes in my post

'Hi, Kimbelina'

Didn't find any?

It is

go - went - gone

You have the traits of a nagging mother-in-law!

Mine is nice, thanks God!

injustified? - nm
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yes, unjustified, are you slow in comprehenion?..sm - whatever
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MT Observer's critique of my post 'Hi, Kimberline' was unjustified, regarding grammar and spelling because there are none.

D you understand, finally? Or not yet.
I am still waiting for her nonexistent list of claimed errors.

Also an OLDIE?
comprehenion? - nm
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for 'nm:' What an old, tiny, dysfunctional brain you have!..sm - not imp
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Don't you realize that these are typos and not grammar or spelling mistakes?

Or can you not differentiate between them?

Instead of OBSERVING this forum, go and study some grammar rules, e.g.

go - went - gone, MT Observer!

Stick to the rule that grammar and spelling policing is forbidden on this forum.


What exactly do you OBSERVE?


Get over yourself. - Seriously.
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MT Observer, Seriously and nm are the same poster...nm - whoc
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you would make a lousy detective. - nm
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Amen to that! - Seriously.
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Dear Einstein: "nm" or "NM" means "no message". - (ie; nothing in body of post).
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me, myself, and I, again. - nm
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Is this coming from another newbie? - Just wondering
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So was Joan of Ark, and look what happened to her - Snow Bunny

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Having ambition is a good thing, but being misdirected and misinformed is another. You're behind door #2.

And ring-a-ding-ding on your college MT Degree. I'm not impressed. I'm 56 and was grandfathered for the job (never took a single class). I started in 1978 at a full-time hospital position earning $160.00 per week, and in less than ten years my business grossed over $100,000. And I did it all without an MT Degree!

I think MT tests are a hoot and can knock them out of the ballpark, without any references. You need 30+ years in the business to do that.

Do yourself a favor and stop acting like you KNOW what you're talking about where it concerns this business, 'cause you don't. But, by all means, continue to think and feel as you do. To please yourself.

And please forward your resume to the AAMT. They'd hire you in a NY heartbeat!
Way to go, gal. That Joan of Ark... why she be - smoking by now!!!
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Loved your post. The truth was never so well spoken. Thanks.
Im pretty sure it was Joan of "Arc". - (Just FYI. Not spelling police).
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Your opinion is just the opinion of an OLD MT that is pushed out of this business, because TOO expen - -.-
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Youll be singing a far different tune when you - gain some experience yourself, -sm
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and find that you're making even less as a seasoned MT than you were as a wet-behind-the-ears newbie, because wages have continued to go down, or because you're no longer transcribing, and instead you're stuck editing the work of machines and dot-heads.
To your informatiion I am not a wet-behind-the ears newbie!..sm - new-old-new-old...
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How gullible those old MTs are, ALWAYS ASSUMING THINGS; the fact that I put 'new' in place of a nickname does not mean that I am new. It was in reference to the subject matter.
Did I explain myself now sufficiently to the old MTs?

Re: Kimberly is new!

Be a little smart and flexible, will you, not just old!
Well, carry on, then. Whatever happens, happens. - Forewarned is forearmed, though.
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Wow! You are the one who supports and advocates 'offshoring'..Wow! nm - wow
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Medical Transcription isnt a science; its become - nothing more than sweatshop labor. nm

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Yes, I agree with this. One must have ...sm - whatever!
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a strong command of medical terminology, because we are also called 'Medical Language Experts,' and average, not even 'superior' grammar and spelling skills and good punctuation skills.
One must anyways follow the clients' specifics which often even overrule the BOS rules!

In all honesty - Elizabeth

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Kimbelina - go back to school once more, be trained in something concrete, like sonography. You'll be much happier.

Cutting to the chase - I have TWO Bachelor's degrees, 15 years experience as a paramedic, and 18 years experience as a transcriptionist. Trust this, the people who have tried to disuade you from a career in transcription do wish you the best, but they are trying to tell you the pitfalls of this industry.

Those who are here planting roses, saying it's all gravy are either A. Lying, or B. Self-serving. I'm guessing it's B - they are company paid employees who scan the posts for damage control so they can continue to hire the unsuspecting who do not know the truth. The job pays like dirt.

What smells like dirt, looks like dirt, sounds like dirt and pays like dirt is a dirty job. And, again, some of this work you can even do for free. Ask yourself, what other job on this earth besides exploitation and slavery does anyone do for FREE, even minutely?

The "golden oldies" are merely trying to spare you our pain. I went back to school myself, and nine months from now I'll be sitting in an office the company pays for, counseling for $140 an hour. At my age, if transcription was a good job I would have planned to stay until retirment. I certainly would not have spent $30,000 to go back to school at this late stage of the game.

Weigh it up for yourself. You are exceptionally intelligent and capable, you'll discover the truth.

Out of curiousity, what school promised you a - Telling it like it is

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degree in medical transcription (regarding your statement "I don't believe they would continue this degree program")?

Bitterness has nothing to do with offering up been there, done that advice.

Is your school preparing you for the world of voice recognition? That's pretty much all you're going to find in these times. Gone are the days of straight typing. Did your school mention, you'll be paid 3-4 cpl for editing these voice recognition reports? Did they explain that editing may actually be the equivalent of retyping the whole darn report because it's so filled with garbage?

Nobody is bitter or attacking you personally. Read around the different forums and you'll see, this profession "aint' what it used to be" by any means.

Good luck to you though.

you deleted original thread and responses. - nm

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original post and first responses are on the MT board..nm - omg

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Words of encouragement, etc. - gourdpainter

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I honestly can't remember if I answered your first post or not. If I didn't here goes:

First, please don't call those of us who offer advice you may not want to hear "bitter." Perhaps there are some bitter MTs, I don't know. I know that I am not bitter. I will give help, encouragement and advice to anyone who asks on any subject. One thing I will not do is blow smoke up anyone's butt.

I was an MT for almost 50 years. It was hard for me to "retire" and give it up. I loved the career. I may be angry about what has happened to this industry but I am certainly not bitter. I feel great sympathy for those of you who are trying to break into the field and I feel greater sympathy for those who are close to retirement age who are more or less "stuck" in a career where they have dedicated so many years and by the time they obtained education for another career.....well, who would want to hire a 60-ish newbie?

You are correct about a couple of things. The MT business is alive and well....for those who own the businesses...and the smaller ones are becoming extinct because they can't operate on a 1-2% profit margin as the bigger ones can. Think Wal-Mart. Their competitors are forced out of business because they can't compete. This leads to something like price fixing. Notice that most ads offer basically the same per line rate. Having done MT-ing from the time it was considered a minimum wage clerical job, to a "profession" where in my best years I earned close to $100,000.00 per year. (I was good and I was fast). My last job I was lucky toward the end if I could eek out $10 per hour. Yes, I could have found another job but I am fortunate in that I was able to retire and it was a bitter adjustment, not bitter as in "bitter" but because I have worked every day of my life since I was 14 years old. So it was a "bitter" experience to wake up in the morning with no MT-ing to do. I have adjusted and now I would not go back to MT if I was guaranteed $100,000.00 per year, which is far from likely.

You can be sure that training will continue to be offered by "MT schools" so long as there are people willing to enroll. That is their business. You wouldn't expect them to tell you the negative about the career would you?

So now for the encouragement. If you are bound and determined you want to try this, get a list of MTSOs and start calling them. BEG if you have to to get them to let you test. In other words, you have to get their attention. Sending out unsolicited resumes is likely a waste of time.

I would also suggest that you apply for jobs in physicians' offices and/or hospitals and try to get any position you can. You will likely be surprised at how many doors will open (not in MT)with an understanding of medical terminology.

This is probably not what you want to hear but the truth no less. I wish you the best.

You, GP, are an exception to the rule, most OLD MTS ARE VERY, VERY BITTER....sm - new, not

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and blame the downfall of this profession on the NEWVBIES, what is wrong.

The culprits are the MT schools, the evolution of electronic technolgy and the offshoring.

Probably older than Gourd but not bitter with anything - regarding this work

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If that were the case I would have been gone when I was old enough for retirement. Why do you have to be bitter and old when giving out true information regarding this type work. I always looked to my aunt for information and that was because she was older and had lived longer than me and knew more. Yep, not dry behind the ears applies to a lot of these tots who have a lot to learn (even after getting certified, hehe from their academy of higher learning, hehe).
certification - gourdpainter
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Maybe we think differently but I would never laugh at someone who has been shafted. These "academies of higher learning" are not what they should be. They are about the almighty dollar. Otherwise they would actually do something to help their grads get jobs.

Secondly as far as "certification." What a farce. I was a CMT...have been proudly NOT certified by AAMT or whatever name they call themselves these days. Not once have I ever been asked whether I was "certified." In fact, a number of years ago I asked an MTSO owner if the AAMT certification really meant anything. He told me he could not give a da** less whether an MT was certified or not but it "looked good to the clients." Now THAT is funny. I have to agree with him. I have known "CMTs" who couldn't transcribe themselves out of a box and I've seen "newbies" who turned out very professional and accurate documents.

The only thing I think is a shame is that some "newbies" paint all old MTs with the same brush. Once we were young too and before they realize it one day they will be old as we are now. I do think that the youngsters could take advantage of our years of just plain old living. By the same token I've learned much from the younger generation. I'm not ashamed that much of my computer savvy has come from my GRANDCHILDREN. Actually I'm quite proud to have been taught by them.
In general, I agree with you, GP. My posts...sm - new or old
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were posted following very negative, and actually, harming Kimberly's self-confidence, although she has a good education background that qualifies her very well to enter the MT field.

Why these personal attacks, regarding her 'degree', telling her 'stay where you are.' Why those? Why no encouragement at all, only put-downs? If she wants do do it, why not let her try and encourage her, when she has all the qualifications for it?

That's what I mean when I talk about bitter, old, ugly MTs who think that only they are able and qualified to do MTing, they have the monopoly, this profession BELONGS TO THEM AND NOBODY ELSE, with their attitudes: "How dare newbies to enter into this field and 'steal' jobs from us and make it even CHEAPER?!"

That's what I mean.
I think when people come on posting about their degree - and being certified when in
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actuality they have only graduated from a school that others have said inferior, that is where the degrees, etc. come in. A degree or CMT or whatever means nothing if you cannot actually transcribe. I am older and never have thought about new graduates stealing any job from me. The pay fell regardless of how many new people you have on here.
Kimberly, after reading through this thread following - whoever, does it matter?
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your original question, my advice to you would be:

Do not ask questions about 'do I, as a newbie, have a chance in this profession?' because, honestly, who can give you an accurate response to it?

Nobody actually knows, not the oldies, not the newbies, you have to try it out yourself (I a did, successfully), because every case is UNIQUE and not predictable, as there are so many variables.
What works for one person might not work for you, etc..

There is another question that has been already posted thousands of times on this forum, namey. 'I am a newbie, how can I get a job and experience?'

Wow, all possible answers have been given on this forum and still it is asked over and over and over again, ad nauseum!

I wish you good luck.

You could be right - gourdpainter

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but I don't see how anyone can blame the downfall of the profession on the newbies. We were all newbies once upon a time. I have always tried to encourage those interested in the field and have trained many, both when I was paid to do so and also on my own time back before all the HIPPA hoopla.

What infuriates me is the schools that paint such a rosy picture and are less than honest with their students about what the future holds. I have to assume also that they don't hold up their end of the bargain by actually helping their grads get jobs or there wouldn't be so many discouraged grads.

I think the downfall has been the offshoring more than anything. They now want cheap, cheaper and cheapest. The electronic thing will come into play more and more. I hope there will be jobs for MTs by whatever name they are called but I am also hopeful that at some point the hospitals will contract directly with the MTs or medical editors or whatever name they are called.
Enclosed is part of an email that I sent to a so called Christian - school who said you could get 300 lph
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by typing 54 wpm. Please excuse all the << as this was in my email and did not clean up. I could not believe they were actually telling people this. I have more, also.

having a good laugh here.
>> >
>> > First of all, the wording should be right in your ad on Job
>> > Assistance with Medical Transcription training- you are in business
>> > to teach transcription and also with that comes an accuracy rate,
>> > right.
>> >
>> > Your sentence reads "COMPANY NAME HERE cannot guaranty job placement. Should
>> > that not be guarantee??
>> >
>> > I shared with others who do this type of work the working 30 hours a
>> > week for most, 6 hours a day for MTers and typing 54 wpm should
>> > mean you would get around 300 lines per hour. We are all amused. I
>> > plan on going back in a short while and naming your website so ones
>> > who are thinking of going to school can read and then have real
>> > transcriptionists tell them how we actually work.
Again, I agree with you and I am glad...sm - whoever
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that you are back, the same, level-headed, positively experienced, courageous, fair GP.

Jes CURIOUS, here: What exactly do you consider - "OLD"?

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It's all relative, you know.
IMO, somebody can be called 'old' in this profession...sm - not old
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if they are jealous of newbies trying to enter into this profession, have no idea how VR works, therefore hate VR, and till now do not understand what EMR is, that's old.
LOL! Not "jealous" of newbies in the least! We just - dont understand the rose-colored-glasses.
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People come to this board and ask what the job is like, where we think it's going, and we tell them. Then they get upset when it's not what they wanted to hear.

So here it is:
- You'll be making $50K per year to start.
- You'll only have to work 5-6 hours a day.
- You'll be working for Fortune-500 MT companies.
- You'll be valued and respected by the medical industry.
- You'll be able to retire someday. Maybe even retire early!
- Your job will always be secure and recession-proof.
IMO, "old" are those who know how to - use a dictionary
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Don't worry gals. She's one who will have to struggle. - Did you see her other posts? nm

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last word to Kimbelina....sm - vrmt

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Plesae read the recommendation of the MTStarsforum's administration.

It says (posted on the company board:

"Don't make your decisions based on someone else's recommendation."

But of course, you are right. - Elizabeth

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Stars fill the sky, and your eyes Kimbelina.

But of course, you are fresh out of school, and filled with optimism and enthusiasm. The school has an agenda - to sell you on the idealogy of transcription.

Sadly, when you do this a while you will realize your transcription school was nothing more than a con man's shell game. I'm pretty sure they did not give you a class in "sounds like," or "What dictators really mean."

I wish you luck. That being said, when you find yourself struggling to understand, struggling to pay your living expenses, feeling uninspired by your lovely career - remember, the seasoned transcriptionists told you so!

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