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Does the CMT credential still exist? - credential?
Posted: Feb 23, 2013
Does the CMT credential still exist? Do people still sit for that exam and get that credential?
I know, but - does it still exist?
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and do people still get it?
CMT - nccmt
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Yes, it still exists and is administered through AHDI. Check out the website for additional info.
Yeah, do check out AHDI's website - AK
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A fool and her money are soon parted.
As long as there are fools easily parted from their - money, the CMT will probably exist. (nm)
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Re: The CMT - Been around a long time
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People do still get it, but it is as irrelevant today as it was when it began.
Is there - A reason
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people would get it? What the heck are they selling that would make a new transcriptionist want it and go for it? I don't get it. Is there a list somewhere that says newly credentialed CMTs? I would love to see it and see how many these days are getting it.
Is there a reason? - Old Pro
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What you really want to ask is how many people stayed in versus how many have left. People found out that the CMT was quite irrelevant.
CMT now requires TWO tests. - ditto
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Even if you had CMT certification before, you STILL have to take the lower level test before you can take the CMT test.
Those old biddies in AHDI are getting really greedy these days.
Cylinder wrapped on an axis them.
"getting"? ;) - sm
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Interesting-sounding expression, "cylinder wrapped on an axis." I don't understand it, though, and Google no help. Care to clarify?
bystander here - sounds like a hex, maybe? - wishful thinking. NM
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She probably meant - to say
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inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis.
Think about it.
This might help ... - Newton
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one last time - sm
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In lay terms, you mean: We are getting screwed?
One last time - Old Pro
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You betcha you are. And they don't even give you a kiss.
Ah, that does make more sense, thanks. - ''getting''
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CMT revisited - anon
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Honestly, I scheduled myself to take this test in a few months, I've been transcribing for over 35 years but never got certified. Now I'm wondering if I should just cancel the test and get my money back. Do you think it will benefit me in any way?? Do you think down the road that it will be a requirement for working in MT?
CMT revisited - Nick
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It would benefit your sense of ethics not to support the organization that was instrumental in taking our jobs offshore.
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