A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

DocQvoice question. - adkmt

Posted: Jan 15, 2012

Is DocQvoice only a speech recognition system?  I have a very good lead on a job working directly for a small hospital, but was just told by the woman who already works for them that they are going to DocQvoice.  Right now it's all straight transcription on a Lanier system with a VXP player.  She doesn't seem to think it would be speech recognition because she doesn't think the doctors would go for it.  Also, I'm not sure I'm interested in the job if it's not straight transcription.  This will be a secondary job and I was looking for a break from ASR.

I am reposting this from a couple days ago.  I understand that this means that Medquist could take over the account, but that's not my concern right now.  If it's still work straight from the hospital and pays twice what I make now, I want the job for the extra money for now.  If Medquist takes over, I'll quit.

Not sure. Have you tried google to find out more about it? - nm

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This is some of what I've found. - adkmt

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DocQvoice, formerly known as DocQment Ovation, is a Web-based, enterprise digital voice capture and transport solution deployed at the customer̢۪s location, which provides centralized administration across a department, facility or enterprise to improve organizational efficiency and productivity.

Specifically engineered to be compatible with MedQuist̢۪s previous generation dictation stations, DocQvoice is the first digital document management software system to incorporate patient data during the dictation process, making it possible to manage workflow and turnaround times based on critical dates such as the admission date.

An integral part of MedQuist̢۪s growing technology portfolio, DocQvoice helps to provide an end-to-end solution from dictation to billing, including speech recognition software. Features include:

On-premise enterprise support with central administration – provides easy-to-use tools for administrators to manage multiple-location users, documents and voice files from a single dashboard, eliminating the need for disparate systems.
Automatic document routing – sends the right document to the right transcriptionist at the right time, helping to ensure turnaround times.
Security through sophisticated password controls and role-based privileges. DocQvoice was built with a focus on keeping patient information secure.

Also it says, "Provides comfortable upgrade path to MedQuist hosted transcription platform and speech recognition."

So it sounds like more of a management tool that can be used with ASR.

Not sure about all that. But as far as sending right - document to right MT at right SM

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time? My experience with MQ platform is it does not work that way at all. I am an editor first, MT second in MQ eyes. And I get documents to be edited first, no matter that there are straight transcription or voice recognition jobs that are late. Until there are no more documents to be edited, those transcription and voice rec. jobs will sit there late.

And I hope your facility doesnt take this to mean, their jobs will never be late. Off shore is the usual reason jobs go late. They have those jobs and, for whatever reason, they dont get done in a timely fashion and go late.

Has anyone told the facility that offshore, India to be exact, will be doing the majority of their document processing? US MTs are used for the crappy dictators that are impossible to understand. All the other stuff, is done in India, never to be seen by the US MT. This goes for speech recognition and straight typing.
And be sure to tell anyone managing the documents now, to - start looking for another job. SM
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Again, my experience with transcription service providers, is any in payroll or managing the flow of work currently, will be the first to be let go if they do not agree to do MT work instead.

Doctors and Speech Rec - JT

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You said the woman said she doesn't think the doctors would go for speech recognition. They don't necessarily know. They're just talking into a machine, and we're fixing the mess before they get it back.

I would imagine they wouldn't go for the speech rec if they had to fix the messes as they go along.

DOCQVOICE - roybrit

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We have been using DocQvoice for almost one year now. It is not speech recognition. It is very similar to the Lanier Voicewriter (our old system). DocQvoice has a lot of advantages but we have found that for whatever the reason a caste that was 4 minutes on Lanier is easily 1 minute on DocQvoice. No one seems to know why, we have asked the technicians and they say that is not the case. We used Lanier for about 10 years and can definitely tell the difference. I wonder if it has to do with the compression of the data but there is definitely a difference.

DOCQVOICE - roybrit

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I should further add that we do not use a transcription service. We are the surgical pathology department of a major teaching medical center and we use DocQvoice as our in-house digital transcription system. We work onsite, in the hospital and none of us work from home. Our docs also dictate from wihtin our department.

DocQvoice - adkmt

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This is a very small hospital, about 30 beds. One woman does all the transcription right now, but she is looking to only do weekends because she home schools. They are not looking to use Medquist or any other transcription service. They are switching to DocQvoice from a Lanier system. I don't understand what you mean by a caste being 4 minutes on Lanier and 1 minute on DocQvoice. How does that affect the transcriptionist?
docqvoice question - ROYBRIT
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With the Lanier system we had productivity requirements based on minutes. Since DocQvoice we no longer have these requirements because it takes longer to complete cases that is did before. I believe our supervisor just hasn't had time to evaluate and establish new productivity requirements. If your productivity is measured in minutes, it has an affect on how much you produce.

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