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another Thursday at TT - ttmtr

Posted: Jun 09, 2011

Same ol' same ol'.  Another Thursday at TT with no work.  Even more frustrating is that I can't "flex" and log back in on Thursday nights because of family comitments. If I'm lucky, I MAY get 10,000 lines for the pay period!

That's why I keep running out of work on second shift - Old and Tired MT

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Because all of the day shift people "flex" and come back on at night and take the work that does come in when I am supposed to be working. They do the same thing on the Sunday night at the end of the pay period. It is getting REALLY old.

work - ttmtr

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I know what you mean. I even switched over to the afternoon shift for a while, but the family life was chaotic as a result. I had no choice but to go back to day shift. It's a vicious circle. Midnights takes work from days, days takes from afternoons, afternoons takes from midnights, and so it goes. Drives me nuts.

I think I will have about 9500 lines this pay period - sm

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Come tomorrow, Friday, I am expecting to get the same email that there is work and to hop on and make up lines. Sure, I'll type 5500 lines in one day or two days - ya right! Sundays never have work and Saturday is my one day off this week. So my paycheck will be about 400 bucks. Yippy

but don't you know, it's totally realistic of them to expect us to meet the line count? - anon

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...according to them? Their line count requirement is "competitive." Oops--this will be removed or moved for sure.

lines - ttmtr

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I think the only way to get lines is to make sure you can work very late Monday night, Friday night and Saturday night - at least in my account.

Friday and Saturday night? Who needs a social life anyway?

how dare you have a family and a life! - dc

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On Wed. they tend to send out emails that they're swamped, contact everybody on earth to pick up the slack, and then Thurs.-nothing. That's my theory.

Pattern - anotheranon

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Definitely a pattern here, which is the reason I left. The emails reminding us that we haven't made line count when there is NO WORK is what finally pushed me over the edge. I was told to "flex" when I asked about work load. Sooner or later, it will affect the people on the other shifts.
Nice enough people, but sweetie and honey do not pay my bills. When I left no one noticed or cared. Sad.

anotheranon - ttmtr

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It's sounds like you are the smart one with your move! :-)

How long ago did you leave? Are you happy at your new company?

I like the work at TT (when we get it), but this is not going to pay my bills any longer. Reality keeps smacking me in the face every 2 weeks and I may have ignored it too long.

TT - anotheranon

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There comes a time when you are no longer able to ignore the wolf at the door and it is different for each of us. Public forum, so will not say much about present situation, just that I did what I had to do, and right now things are much better. I just wish there was respect for the fact that MTs are humans and not interchangeable parts. I hope things get better for you.

Yeah, but with no work, you have plenty of time to do the - mandated training

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Did you get that email today? Right. The training is mandated. How 'bout mandating some pay for that time spent training?

Training pay - Kibbles

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You need to ask for training pay......they certainly won't offer.

time - ttmtr

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Too bad we can only take the course once (it BETTER be with pay).

If we could take it over and over, at least it would be some income!! Better than staring at a blank screen.

Nada - Todays email made it quite clear they will NOT be compensating - for taking the mandatory testing

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Nice, huh? I forwarded it to my personal email just in case I ever need it for "reference."

If they 'mandate' training, they must pay you for it. That's law. - mt

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My work tried to tell us we needed to do HIPAA training, that it was mandatory, but we would not be paid for it. You should have seen the response to that! I even called my attorney to ask about it. He said if it is mandatory, you must be paid. That's federal labor law. Once I went back to my company with that, plus all the other negative feedback they received, they took away the 'mandatory' part. However, I thought HIPAA was a requirment by law anyway. Not sure my company can get away with that - not mandating HIPAA training or not paying us for mandatory training. I know for a fact the word 'mandatory' really means 'paid.'

not TT - ttmtr

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Just got the note saying they will not compensate the mandatory training. Now what?
No pay... - AnonTTer
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Place a call to your local Labor Board and ask that they contact TT to inform them of the law. I will be doing this today.
Do they think we do their work as a hobby - about to barf
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"Mandatory" and "not compensated" should not be in the same sentence from an employer to a non-salaried employee.

TransTech, would you like us to come to Houston during our free time and personal expense to paint your office too?

You people are unbelievable! - Kitty Katz

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If its so awful, why dont you just leave? Do you really think the grass is greener anywhere else? Well, I will tell you that it's not. It is slow everywhere. It's that time of year. Get a drip and stop being so hateful!

no - ttmtr

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It is not slow everywhere. It's slow at companies who over-hire. Not everyone can change jobs easily. Thanks for the uplifting message from management. Put the claws back in.

These are all good. (msg) - Rosie

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grass is greener, that time of year, nature of the beast, feast or famine.

To Kitty Katz - about to barf

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I am usually a very positive person, and I have enjoyed working at TT, but recently my attitude has turned because I found them doing some very underhanded, dishonest stuff. I thought TT was above the dishonesty that has become so prevalent throughout this industry.

So, normally I would not nitpick about not being compensated for something like attending a small amount of mandatory training that was unpaid. This was just another slap in the face at a time when I had not yet recovered from the recent punch.

I know the grass is not greener .... it is basically died and up and brown throughout the whole industry.

Kitty Katz - Roaring Lion about to pounce

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And you are the grand pooh-bah, telling us all how to think and act? Stop being a drip and get a grip!
Sorry Kitty Katz - about to barf
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So sorry I have upset you. I was only stating my opinion and didn't think I was telling anyone how to feel and act. I thought that is what this message board is for.

Hope you have a great day.

So people are hateful because they want the law to be followed? - mt

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And as for work being slow everywhere, that is definitely not true. I work for Transcend and I never run out of work. For all the people out there that like to chew people out for expressing their opinions on here, keep your thoughts to yourself. We are just commiserating with each other. You are just being hateful.

Unbelievable - anotheranon

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Ah, Kitty Katz, I bet I could guess your initials! Spoken like a true manager. It is definitely not the same all over. TT used to be a good place to work. Things have gotten really bad when they won't pay for the MT's time for training, especially at a time when....hmm....which term should it be, oh yes.....time of year....no wait....nature of the beast....no no let's try... it's slow all over. Take your pick. They want slave labor, sounds like everyone is on the right track with calling the labor board, oh but kitty katz thinks that is hateful. Wow, why are you taking that personally?
anotheranon - ttmttoo
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Consider this a *like* (thumbs up) to your post. :-)

Could not have said it better myself. All I can add is that they're going to lose a lot of top-quality MTs with these kind of bonehead moves. I'm looking around now for other options. It breaks my heart, because I was planning to stay there until I retire in 15 years or so. They let me down.
Planned to retire from there too (msg) - Sad MT
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but don't know if I can make it. The thing is, I'm wondering if they even care anymore about losing top-notch MTs. It doesn't seem that way. They've got a regular revolving door going on there. Yoo-hoo. Anyone there? Sad is right.

Yes it is quite greener in other pastures - My IC position is wonderful

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The ONLY reason I have tried to ride out the last 6 months at TT is for the insurance as I'm in the midst of some health issues. Heck, I used to be one of their biggest cheerleaders until the NJA started slapping me in the face 2-3 shifts per week and my checks dropped to about $400 every two weeks.

As soon as there aren't enough lines available to make my premiums and I lose insurance, I'm off like a dirty shirt. My IC position is the complete opposite of TT, both in the way I'm treated, straight typing by decent dictators (believe me, TT has a lot of absolutely horrific dictators), plenty of work with no shuffling through 3-4 accounts desperately trying to scrounge up lines, and almost like being on vacation after a grueling shift grasping for work and struggling to clean up the VR messes that come through.

Yes, there ARE greener pastures out there. One just has to keep looking to find them.
IC vs TT - minime
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You too?? I finally left TT to try IC and I absolutely love it. I was very happy at TT for quite a while. Running out of work, flexing, and the stupid emails from one manager just drove me to the brink. I figured my paychecks couldn't get any worse than what they were, so gave IC a shot. I LOVE it! Always work. No stupid emails full of threats then cartoons. No schedule. I have a deadline I have to meet and I do. I type when I want. The work is mine, cannot "ghost" off to someone else's pool. So......there are definitely greener pastures, you just have to make the change, TT is not going to change except for the worst.

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