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Wow to the responses to Patti - NotAnLOLbut...

Posted: Dec 31, 2011

I'm not sure where to start, and I don't usually respolnd to this (gasp) crap.  I am a professional and I carry myself as such at work.  You might also find it interesting that I went to a private liberal arts Quaker school for college.  The thing I find perplexing is that the folks bashing Patti didn't answer her question or even remotely come close.  Why attack her when you don't have an answer to her question?  I find nothing about about the term "sucks" offensive, but again, she didn't ask for her etiquette to be judged.  I grew up in the South, I cross my legs, and the first thing I do in a restaurant is put my napkin in my lap, even if it's McDonald's.  That said, I posted the question on my FB and I have friends from grandma age to teens, median age is roughly 42.  Not one of them found it offensive, and I even asked my mom (age 62).  No one is offended.

I refuse to pass judgment on anyone I do not know, but dang (oops, sorry if that is offensive, too), this is a board where we vent and where we aren't identified by our names.  I was off work this eve, so I had time to read the posts.  What about the others? 

I think I've tossed in my 2 cents, so now...please excuse me while I tighten my girdle and have my hubs ready the smelling salts.

I sometimes use the S word privately, but it was always - considered nasty when I was growing up. sm

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It's a surprise to me to see how the bar has been lowered for profanity in the last few years. "Pissed off" was considered a major obscenity but now I hear it regularly in public and on TV (along with the F and Sh words!), and it seems to be required language on many Facebook pages. It makes me cringe when I hear other people swear, and I've picked up a couple of words myself that I thought I would never use; cleaning up my language and the way I project myself is my top resolution for the New Year.

Sometimes...hehehe - OP

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It would probably also shock them that I listen to Bach, Brahms, Sinatra, Irish folk songs, reggae, and (hold your breath here) Cage the Elephant as well as Theory of a Dead Man. Youtube those latter ones, "ladies." Hubs hasn't arrived w/ the smelling salts yet, so I'll try not to do any further damage.

I said something one time about the term - sm

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*p***ed off* being very vulgar and I was completely laughed at and lambasted.

lambasted... now thats a term you dont hear - every day

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My 1 cent - sm

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Many of the comments against the offending word related to not hiring someone who used such language, which was totally irrelevant to the OP, as she was just commenting on a chat board for goodness sake not having a job interview!

I think some posters have an inferiority complex and whatever they can do to belittle another poster boosts their self esteem. Happy new year :)

Personally, I really don't care how others talk as long as I don't have to listen to them - but I want better for myself

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I want my own language to express what is inside me, and I'm a happy person.

Frankly, I really don't care if other people sound like a gutter. Okay, I'm not even sure what a gutter sounds like. You get the point. I don't care if they use the most crude, vulgar language known to mankind, as long as I don't have to listen to it. I'm not into pollution of my own environment, so I would just remove myself if I didn't like it and let them do as they please.

For myself though, I want what I consider to be the best. I want a great attitude that helps me to enjoy life. I want my language to express what is inside me.

It was totally ridiculous!! I cannot get over that - sm

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someone thought the word sucks is vulgar. Just way too strange.

My 2 - Jessi

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I can throw down with the best of them lol

I think it depends on where you are and who you're with.

Now, I'm with my granny, I'm absolutely not going to be dropping the F-bomb. I'm out with the girls and we're getting rowdy, talking about what our husbands are doing wrong (EVERYTHING!!), it might come up. I'm in the office, absolutely not.

I was raised that it's a sign of respect to those around you. I see a lot, a LOT of younger people today, though, who don't really care about people around them and what offends them and what doesn't offend them. And I think that's really sad. I know a lot younger people who actually think it's funny when older people get offended over, say, the "f word" and their excuse is always "freedom of speech" or "if that's the worst thing you hear good for you" or some other idiot thing coming out of their stupid mouth.

The point is, to me, it's a respect thing.

I'm around people where it's not appropriate, no swearing.

But when I'm around the girls...it's no holding back!

Just think if we went around in public and with - our friends and families

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reprimanding them for saying such a word. I don't think we would be having a lot of people wanting to be around us, not to mention, I really can't think of many that would not say the word. My own grandmother who is 87 years old says much worse than that and is one of the best people I know. She is from the way old school South where curse words are the ones that take the Lord's name in vain, and those are the words that are not to be said.

I really don't understand why some things are so offensive. Isn't it supposed to be the meaning that is offensive? We have to try so hard to be people pleasers.

I'm so tired of them all saying, "I wouldn't hire someone who said something like that". Are we going to have to pretend like we are in a job interview everytime we come to Mtstars now? How about this, I can assure them if they are going to a public forum and calling someone out in a post for saying a word such as that, not even contributing to the post, that I would not want to work for them.

I don't really think it's all about that one word - sm

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Most of us have said that particular word. I don't think that's really the point. If a person makes it a habit of writing about business matters that way, it just doesn't present them in a positive light.

I'm not the one who objected to it in that first message, but I do remember reading it and thinking that I wouldn't have included that word on a career message board talking about career issues. I didn't say anything because I don't know if the person makes a habit of that or not, but I did wonder.

It isn't about one word though. It's about a habit of how you present yourself. A person who uses one of the 'new shock words' doesn't usually stop at one. As the OP suggested, the person might want to avoid those words in career discussions, or not. It was a suggestion that can be considered, taken, or rejected.

It's not going to mean a thing to the rest of us. It might end up meaning something to that person, or not. A hint to the wise...and all that.

And to think...it was my innocent lil post... - blondie

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that started all this uproar. lol Whew! I didn't realize THAT word was offensive. I was wrong I guess. I do apologize to those who were offended by that word...sorry. I didn't think anything of it.

You have nothing to apologize for. - Voice of Reason

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These people criticizing you for using a word THEY deem vulgar are fools. Just ignore them. People can criticize you for whatever they want but it doesn't make them right. Now, if you want to hear some REAL cursing, ask me how I feel about MTSOs these days! LOL.

Or try hanging out with - some of those we consider

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heros. Military, firefighters, police.
Hopefully they don't make a habit of calling others fools - You lost me when you said that
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I draw the line when people call other people fools. I stop considering anything else they have to say.
Then you truly ARE a fool! LOL! nm - Voice of Reason
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There is Nothing Wrong With Decency. - .

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There is nothing wrong with decency.

Of course, what is considered 'decent' varies from person to person. - Voice of Reason

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Are you the one to decide what is decent and what is not for all of the rest of us? Rather rude and indecent of you, don't you think?

Agree. Bringing it back to COMPANIES then... - since it is the Company forum

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Just as a PERSON's actions reveal his or her character, a company's action reveals its character as well.

Some companies have better character than others. I know which ones I wouldn't think about working for, and a few that I would, based on their actions, which reveal the 'character' of their company, or at least the management thereof.

The words 'character' and 'MTSO' do not belong in the same sentence. - Voice of Reason

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Not even in the same universe.

I have to wonder then, do you gather your - information from this

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board about which companies have character? I have seen my company trashed on this board, and I still cannot figure out why in the world someone would trash it. I find it more offensive someone trashing person/company's character when they have absolutely no clue. I, personally, do not see anything wrong with the word in question. I do not consider it vulgar at all. To me, proper etiquette would have been if they find it offensive, take it to the moderator, not attack the person's character, which I actually do believe they did.

You also 'become' the actions you practice - over time

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For example, if you practiced being dishonest, over time you would be a dishonest person.

If you practiced leadership traits, over time you would be a leader.

If you practiced being a gambler and doing the things gamblers do, over time you would become a gambler.

If you practiced being a kind and caring person, over time you would be one.
Yeah and if you practice being an easily insulted old biddy... - Voice of Reason
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You will become one.

Not for me!

are talking about the poster who keeps calling everyone - a cow???

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