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Seeking TTD victims - Ex-TTDer

Posted: Nov 27, 2012

I am seeking fellow MTs and QAs who worked for TTD (The Transcription Doctors). It appears that A--, the owner has completely disappeared. She still owes several of us lots of money. She no longer answers emails, IMs, certified letters, any form of communication from any of her ex-workers. I am under the impression that TTD went under back in November, but there were still people who did not know this and continued working on the account. She has not paid anyone (that I am aware of since August). She not only stole our services, but our money as well. Therefore, I think that a class action lawsuit against her would be the most approprite action to take since she owes lots of us money and refuses to pay us or even communicate with us.

If you have been burned by this company, are owed money, and would like to form a group of "victims" who can start a class action lawsuit against her, please reply. Feel free to send me an email. No names will be mentioned.

Is there anyone else out there who is missing money from TTD? What is your experience with this company?

This woman owes us money. It is pretty pathetic that she does not even respond to our emails, IMs, mailings, or any communication. Maybe with the assistance of a class action lawyer, she will respond.

Seeking TTD victims - Ex-TTDer - scoobydoo

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I will definitely join the group of victims. AK has devastated many people's livelihoods. Like hurricane AK demolished the bank accounts of many.

Seeking TTD victims - Ex-TTDer - scoobydoo

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DO NOT BE AFRAID OF AK. This is our chance to get our money. Legally, she has to pay us. There are laws to protect us from people like her.

TTDers - Nick

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Have you all filed with the Labor Board and the Attorney General's Fraud Division (both your state and the state in which TTD operated)? That should get the ball rolling. Good luck.

Don't be afraid of her - ANON

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There is nothing AK is going to do to you if you post in this conversation (She wont even answer your email). Your name will not be given. We need victims to come forward so we can stop her from stealing our hard earned money.

Breech of Contract - Ex-TTDer

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Even if you think she does not owe you any money, she does. AK is in serious breech of contact. How many times during your employment with TTD was your check late or short? That is breech of contract. She never even informed her workers that she was closing the doors, that is breech of contract. She breeched contract in more ways than one. So, even if she does not owe you money....she does.

TTD - Me

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I have a feeling she is going to not send our 1099 tax forms to us and screw us in filing our income taxes. She will file hers but we will not be able to.

I think you can. The 1099 is for her not you. - IMANMT2

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It is so she can take paid wages off her income and not pay tax on it at her end and why you pay it at yours. If you feel the need to report unreported income to the IRS and pay taxes on it, you can just do a self employed work sheet, profit loss like usual, and report your income you received. Call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 and see if there is a special form or different work sheet you have to ask for to report income otherwise unreported like a waitress's tips.

If I mow lawns, type for a doctor, sew quilts, do craft shows ... put on roofs, whatever, the IRS goes by what is reported. Supposedly, it is supposed to be reported quarterly but you can report at the end of the year. What you do doesn't make a difference, I don't think. They just check (or not) to make sure her 1099 is accurate with what you report on your end and if you send a copy of it in.
FYI 1099s - anon
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This is in no way intended to distract you from you intended result, a class action lawsuit being placed for nonpayment on account. I just want to clarify that the 1099 is only information for you...the IC, as to the total of the amount paid to you during your self-employment with the contractor. It does NOT have to be included in your tax filings as a copy to the IRS. The "employer" only files a copy with the IRS as to support HER claim that "such and such amount" was paid out, which benefits only her. Again, a copy does not need to be sent to the IRS. Obviously as an IC, you must have kept your own records of what was paid to you (as well as what was not). You can file your taxes without this information from her. Since she is obviously not going to send this info to the IRS, it would only benefit you to report it as income. If it is not, they (the IRS) could conceivably come back later on and say you owed more in taxes due to unreported income, but that is all. That choice is yours alone. You do not need to send a copy in. This is clearly stated on the 1099. Good luck in your efforts on collection. I hope you get what you are owed! but don't hold your breath. These people are well aware of what they are doing and that it will take many years to even bring her to the court room, much less collect any owed funds...and then the lawyers get their cut(s) first.
The owner does have to send copies of the 1099s - IAMT
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to the IRS by a certain date and is required to send a copy of 1099s to contractors by a certain date - can't remember all the deadline dates for any wages over $600 for the year. Evidently she may turn in the 1099 copies to the IRS and will be in violation of sending them to the contractors by the deadline (think they have to be mailed/postmarked by 01/31 just like date for employee status) so watch for those. If you don't receive the 1099 from her and you made over the $600 I think you could and should report her to the IRS. The IRS website and publications are a great reference. As a contractor, you do not send the IRS a copy of your 1099 with your taxes.

As far as state, I think each state has its own guidelines on the deadlines and filings. My state does not require employers to send them 1099 copies, some might.

1099 - makes no sense

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The 1099 is on her. YOU should already know what you earned and should claim it on your taxes accordingly.

BTW- If you were an IC, you can write off the losses (the money you were not paid) too.

Here's her facebook - funny name here

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Her settings are such that anyone can post on her page it seems. Imagine that. Pretty gutsy for someone who is ripping people off.

I think you can send a letter through USPS and ask - IAMT

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for an address correction. Used to be able to but not sure - might call them and ask. Surely there has to be an address change filed to receive their mail and the final checks and correspondence she was getting from her clients - ARRGG.

Other than that, I would bombard her Facebook and post about her not paying you and let folks know what kind of person she is. ARRGG again. Makes me sick to read about all of this and hope things work out for you guys, truly I do.

Good luck. Sounds awful. I am currently trying to decide whether or not sm - Hurt MT

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to report someone for not paying. I thought she was my friend, but the last few months I have had to wait endlessly to be paid, with one lie/excuse told after the next. Bad enough when a company does it to you, but hurts when someone you considered a friend decides to treat you that way. At least I found out she was no friend at all. Note to self: Next time someone calls me all excited saying she is starting her own business, run away quickly.

Has anyone searched or checked whether - this company has filed BK. If

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she/they walked away that easily, may be they've filed BK.

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