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Pittsburgh MTs - monopolys

Posted: May 21, 2013

Our local TV news announced tonight that UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) is "letting go" of 100 or so MTs because they will be outsourcing to Nuance. That's pitiful.

Pittsburgh MTs - Monopolies!

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Whoops, I meant monopolies.

How is it a monopoly? - anon

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There are numerous other companies out there besides Nuance.

I mean I hate what is happening to the MT biz, but it isn't a monopoly.

Dislike all you want, it isn't a monopoly. - anon

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I don't understand dislikes when a statement of fact is made. It's rather bizarre.

It is not a monopoly when Nuance gets an account. It is not a monopoly because 100 MTs just lost their great jobs. It is sad, but a monopoly it does not make.

There are other MTSOs out there, i.e., Nuance does not have a monopoly.
The more correct term would probably be - "OFFSHOREPOLY".
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Nuance apparently has a great - sales pitch
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but following through on those "promises made" in the sales pitch is quite another thing. I think by monopoly one would mean that most of the laid off MTs, being offered a position with Nuance then to save at least some semblance of their jobs, would mean more work/jobs for nuance. They may not be the ONLY MTSO out there, but they surely are trying hard. Being the biggest is not always the best. Nuance hypes their technology as the "best available." Too bad it isn't. Just another sweatshop. Good luck to all who lost their jobs!! Sad day!
Probably goes like this-Save money, MTs will be able to edit - faster than type, save money, MTs will SM
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keep their same accts, save money, MTs will be able to make more money, save money, MTs will be able to work from home, save money. Oh yeah, and save money.

Monopoly is a game..so in that sense it is a - Monopoly? no?

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Nuance owns the Dragon...VR...they are all paying Nuance. Even if Nuance has accounts backed up and need help...they get a cut...that's why you get 3 cpl and not 4. Some games are going on...CEOs need their profits any way they can. Play the game or no job. Bottom line. We MTs are all suffering

Heard it at work...such a shame - jmt

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I currently work for UPMC as a secretary in a physician's office. Left Medquist after 16 years and happily so 3 years ago, but before Medquist I was with UPMC back then working with these great people who are losing their jobs. Speaking with one of them last night, a lot have no intention on going with Nuance, a very smart decision. Not only will they take a big pay cut and have the empty promises of being kept on the UPMC account, the loss of medical benefits is a huge blow. UPMC's full package is $200/month for family and have outstanding medical/dental/vision coverage. That's gonna really hurt and what many are worried about the most. UPMC may cut my paychecks, but I'm extremely disappointed in them making this decision. Nonprofit organization, yeah, right. Huge mistake.

Save money, but hurt the workforce here. - anon

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Yet here we are with no job, no career, no future, no health coverage, and a poor economy. But someone is benefitting from all of this. Fine if we got to learn a new technology, but we are being bulldozed. Cannot even make minimum wage and the sppech engines are more like a caboose and heading off track.

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Sep 03, 2013

is priceless! ...