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Does anyone know anything about Celerity-this name is new to me? - oldMT

Posted: Aug 21, 2010

I think it is a new MTSO (website says 2008) and went to the website, but wonder if anyone works for them that can tell me anything.  I searched the archives already.  Email me if you want-thanks!

might just be a new name on an old onion. do a who is business search. - look for prior licensing. NM

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Not personally butâ€Â¦I did a google search, easy info to find... - SM

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The website is http://www.celeritysolutionsgroup.com/

CEO used to own Preferred Physicians Transcription.

Celerity Solutions - Roma

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I had to look up the word celerity. Interesting. Good luck.

Main Entry: ce·ler·i·ty
Pronunciation: sə-ˈler-ə-tē, -ˈle-rə-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English celerite, from Anglo-French, from Latin celeritat-, celeritas, from celer swift — more at hold
Date: 15th century
: rapidity of motion or action

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