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Did TT throw everyone under the bus? - ex TT

Posted: Feb 07, 2015

It sounds like chaos and malcontent with the "takeover/merger."  It would be nice if peoples' lives and tenure with the a company were respected enough that everyone was given a head's up when things are going to change, especially those of us with no backup, no family or husband, alone or with kids, those who have no backup whatsoever, so that our measly cash flow is not interrupted. 

That is not a lot to ask for, for years of dedicated service.  I am appalled that people are being treated this way after helping highers-up get to a point where they can benefit but not us. 

What a world it's come to.  I am fast losing faith in the human race. 




There have been many warnings on this board - about what happens with mergers. sm

[ In Reply To ..]
It NEVER turns out well for the bought-out employees, and usually doesn't do anything for the original employees, either.

The moral of the story is: If your company is being sold, or your hospital MT dept. is being outsourced, find another job, because the new employer is going to lie to you, cheat you, and underpay you.

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