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Anyone see the ad for the psychiatric - transcription? SM

Posted: Oct 31, 2012

I have everything required except WordPerfect software.  Would WP be compatible or cause problems if you have other software/platforms on your computer?  I would think not, but things happen.  Is this sofware even available anymore?  Also wondering how the files would be uploaded back to facility.  TIA

wordperfect - computers

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I thought that computers came with wordperfect already on them.

Some computers come with WP on them...as a - anon

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trial basis only. Some have a "version" of Word, but not all computers "come with it on them, preloaded." These companies are not going to give away their programs for free. WP is compatible to have on the computer at the same time was MS Word, but not when they are open together. They are two completely different programs and WP is difficult to transition to if you don't already know it. As per the OPs question about how to return files, the ad states that you must have a C-phone, which means it calls into the system that you are transcribing for and you transcribe the reports right then, on the phone, and no upload finished reports is necessary. If you had a C-phone, you would know this already.

Word Perfect and Word - Kathleen

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I routinely use and have both WordPerfect AND MS Word open at the same time, and there are NO issues.

I also have both programs open with SpeechMotion platform, again with no issues.

It used to be that WordPerfect was difficult to transition to when it was in the pre-graphic user interface (GUI) days of version 5.1. The two programs are very similar in nature now.

I've been using both programs together since the very late '80s. No problem with them both open together. I am running Windows 7 with 32 gigs of ram, though.
I use both open at the same time in legal - no problemo - sm
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I have WP12 and Word 2010. Using WP is little trickier than Word - some commands don't work quite the same (I really dislike their spellchecker) and if you transcribe in Word and save it in WP, it's not the same on the back end with formatting and other things, which is why you have to do it in WP.

ebay has brand new full version of WP for about $30-70 - link provided

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here's another one for $10, WP 2003 - link provided

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I bought MS Word like this. It's a legitimate disc, like those that used to come with PCs instead of being preloaded. It's a brand new full version, just an older version.

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